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View Full Version : How do I make the little movies?

06-23-2002, 01:52 PM
How do I make those little movies in quests. For instance in Nicks Days of Eternity quest after you beat the firdt temple it has one.
If anybody would help I would greatly Enjoy it.

06-23-2002, 01:55 PM
... this belongs to Zquest Editor Help...

You have to do it with conveyor and layering work..
There are diffrent ways of doing it... But I have not too much time to explain.

06-23-2002, 02:00 PM
Thanks Ill go do it in a little bit.

06-23-2002, 02:23 PM
Moved to ZQ Editor Help.

06-24-2002, 11:16 AM
You could use a lot of tilewarps to make the movie animate, like tou animate a combo, just make the entire screen move little by little, and have Link move when you want him to.

06-25-2002, 09:56 AM
The way I do it is as such:

(First of all, it takes patience and hard work, but it works.)

You need at least one screen that isn't of a dungeon format, so you can move horizontally along the bottom of the screen unimpeded.

Next you need a layer above the bottom two rows that looks like the rest of the style of that screen, for example you could have the screen LOOK like a dungeon but wouldn't be, as Link shouldn't be able to move above the bottom row of the screen.

Next, have a message tell the player that he shouldn't move, or else he will spoil the effects. You can display the message however you like. I make a tiny icon in the corner of my black title screen. (It looks like a little no Xing sign with Link's head on it.) Cute. yeah.

So, now make the bottom row of the screen conveyor tiles moving right. Position Link to start all the way at the bottom left, and make a stairs tile all the way at the bottom right.
All of this is blocked from the players vision by the layer above it.

Next, check the screen flags (at the top of the data menu.) "Invisible Link" and "No Subscreen." This makes it a much more movie type sceen.

Now place all animations that you want on the screen. You can now effectively time how long the movie lasts by shortening or lengthening the distances between Link and the stairs tile at the top of the screen.

Another way you can do it is by having Link all the way at the bottom middle row of the screen, again paralyzed by blocks except for moving down, and the bottom two rows (or however many you want it to look) are layered so you can't see anything down there. So whenever a speech has ended, make Link move down. Make him appear in the same spot in the next sceen, set the bottom side warp, and repeat.

06-25-2002, 10:24 AM
There is a bug with the conveyors pushing Link on a stair or pit..
Better you use sidewarps! That is much bugless!