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View Full Version : Whoever it was who said bad things happen in threes needs a bullet in the head...

06-22-2002, 03:03 AM
Let's review my past two weeks, shall we?

Friday, two weeks ago: I get paid.

Saturday (the next day): my sister indicates a flat tire on the car. I curse quietly.

Monday, a week and a half ago: tire replaced. Also changed the other front tire. Cost: $202.40 (or so).

The same day: en route to town, where I have a planned stop before going to work, the brakes begin to shut down. Basically, I discovered that a simple tap on the breaks was now ineffective, and even halfway down did nothing. This after I was HALFWAY TO TOWN. I had to push the brake entirely to get any result, which did still result in a full stop where needed. I got to work without a problem, though with a lot more caution.

Monday night: my father picks up the car, and takes it to the auto shop to fix.

Tuesday morning: I learn the cost of the repairs is going to be over $1,000. After recovering from the shock, I call my Dad an hour later for details. I learn he's paying for it. (On the bright side, my air conditioner finally works.)

Tuesday evening: I retrieve the car, conveniently located in the place of the rusty truck I drove earlier in the day, as I leave work. My comment to someone: "I go into work having arrived in a rusty old truck, and it turns into a silver car before I leave! Wow!"

Normal life resumes, until today: I felt a quiver in the car today as I started going in, and decided to stick to the main roads today. Good move; from where I would have gone towards the highway, I blew one of the back tires six kilometers later. Causes me to be late for work (which I did manage to call ahead about; they pretty much had no choice but to accept my being late). My father came along with the truck (in about as good shape as ever), and we swapped; I revealed that I had gone for a short stroll behind where I came to rest, and discovered a huge piece of what was undoubtably tire rubber. I also discovered a can on the side of the road that had pretty much been destroyed; I determined that this can, a fair distance from the road, had no factor in the shredding of the tire. But I wonder what caused it.

I now get to awaken early this morning (Saturday) to get another new tire, and possibly get a second one for the other side (so I don't have to go through this yet again). This will be another $200 repair. And I still have a months' worth of gas to pay for. And the irony of ironies; I got paid today (being Friday, in a sense, as my waking period); half the pay is going down the tube in the new tire replacement. I've taken the precaution of importing my savings account to chequing to ensure there's money in the account, so I think I'll survive this blow. :)

But I want to shoot that philosopher...


06-22-2002, 03:34 AM
I know they come in 3 triplets. That is pretty unluckly 2 flat tires. But on the bright side you got paid and should again today.

06-22-2002, 03:37 AM
Well, Cyclone, let's hope that philosopher was right...at least it means your problems are over for awhile.

06-22-2002, 08:36 AM
*obi loads a gun, no wait, a shotgun...*

Now, what did you say the name of that philosopher was?....

I hope you have an easier life after after these 'incidents' ;)

King Link
06-22-2002, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by JayeM
Well, Cyclone, let's hope that philosopher was right...at least it means your problems are over for awhile.

Yeah, let's hope. Sounds like you've had a rough time. Well, good luck with the next tire and hope that nothing else goes wrong.

06-22-2002, 02:10 PM
Hehe, sucks for you. :p

06-22-2002, 02:20 PM
Points his shotgun at KJAZZ. What you say!

Well, the tires are done. I now have four brand new tires (two being two weeks old), and I am now planning to get a new bank card; my current one has acted up for a while, and wouldn't work at the shop today at all. Forced me to use my credit card...and if they charge me a load of interest on this charge just for using the card, I swear to God I'm going to be tempted to shoot someone from the bank.

NEway, I am working Sunday, partly because I want to shore up some of the money lost in tire replacements. I did eight hours last week (actually, I worked until 12:15, so 8.25 minus a half hour lunch break), and am doing a five hour shift this week because, basically, they needed people. I might make it six to make up the hour lost yesterday, because I am the one losing the pay for that time, after all. It will depend partly on how busy it is 2morrow.

NEway, my sister's birthday is 2morrow. How convenient; more money vanishing for stuff.
