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View Full Version : Thats spinny weapon in Rockman Zero!!!

06-20-2002, 10:19 PM
How do I get it? I've beaten the game, MegaMan X Omega and even his "Sigma" version. I've gotten the spear/polearm, I leveled that up to 4 stars I beleive, it extends 3 times (the max) and I can do the spin. But how do I get the spinny arm thing that I saw on the jap commercial and sprites??? MrZ, anyone???

06-21-2002, 04:18 PM
i havent the slightest idea. your supposed to get it for that guy in the basement of your hq but i haven't been able to get it no matter how many bosses i beat the poo out of. i've beat the falcon guy, anubis, and that guy in the train. :kawaii: so i can't help ya. :kawaii:

06-21-2002, 05:46 PM
ok, what the heck is rockman zero? can someone let me see a site with some pics and what not?

06-22-2002, 12:26 PM
i swear... some of you people need to keep up on the vidgame scene...

Rockman Zero is a new Megaman game for GBA (called ROCKMAN because thats what Megaman is in JAPAN)

06-22-2002, 01:04 PM
hmm... i c... and what is he talking about the sigma version of megaman X? can someone explain tis too me? cuz im confuddled....

06-22-2002, 03:10 PM
sigma is a reploid designed by dr. cain to protect people from other reploids that have gone maverick. sigma goes maverick himself and leads the army of maverick robots. what sigma does is take control of other reploids and do stuff with them.

06-22-2002, 05:20 PM
how he went maverick is interesting. there are theories stating that when he)sigma) fought zero(when he was a mavrick before the 1st x game) that somehow part of the maverick virus in zero got into sigma therefore causing him(sigma)to go maverick. he(sigma) was then later defined in x3 as a virus himself therefore creating the sigma virus that appears in x5. and omg i've gone cross-eyed.....

06-23-2002, 02:10 AM
I know i know all taht stuff, i was just wondering what the dood ment by saying "sigma version" if it was supposed to be harder of sumthin, i wasnt sure
is there a site i can see picks of this new game?

06-23-2002, 07:48 PM
the game has been out in japan for a few months now and should be coming to the us very shortly. :kawaii: its for the gameboy advance incase ya didn't know. :kawaii:

06-23-2002, 07:52 PM
i still don't understand how zero can have the maverick virus but not turn or anything on X

06-23-2002, 08:04 PM
that's because the maverick virus that sigma has orginally was in himself when he was built from dr. wily. the maverick virus centered from zero(this is part of before mentioned theory) and that it was somehow transfered to sigma when he and zero fought. keep in mind that zero was reprogrammed by dr. cain to be good so he probably somehow, put in an virus guard or something but then again, that wouldn't be right since in x5, the sigma and zero viruses would have no affect on him. but anyways, i think that wily, like light, is still playing his hand in all this. in x5 when you fight sigma, he mentions an old man which most likely from hnts in x4, is wily. he said that he built a body for him so this supports my thoery that wily is still messing with the world, even though he no longer has zero to rely on, he has sigma to "help" him. i guess. :kawaii:

06-23-2002, 08:17 PM
You know what I hate? Right when I figure out the theroy someone goes and post it! j/k but man you are too fats for me. :kawaii:!!

06-23-2002, 08:20 PM
Originally posted by Masamune
i still don't understand how zero can have the maverick virus but not turn or anything on X

He was built by Dr. Wily as a clone of megaman, and later fought sigma, a maverick hunter, when the jewel on his head was smashed by Sigma's sabre. I think X was infected by the maverick virus thus going wacko. I wonder when X destroys Zero like it said in MMX3...

06-23-2002, 08:29 PM
well as far as i know, that hasn't happened yet but if it does, i don't know who i'll root for. maybe zero? :shrug: :kawaii: