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View Full Version : I played Halo.

06-20-2002, 08:58 PM
My brother sold his N64 and all his PS2 games for credits to get an XBOX awhile back. He ended up getting Halo, Max Payne, and Madden...

Halo sucks. Its nothing more than a Perfect Dark with better graphics. Its just another first person shooter, and the multiplayer isn't all that great if you don't have another XBOX to hook it up to. My brother has done that before, he says its great...and I would probably agree that a 8 person Halo match would be fun, but all in all, its just another Goldeneye game.

06-20-2002, 09:01 PM
i agree about Halo

06-20-2002, 10:00 PM
Moral of the story:

Get Timeplitters 2. It's coming out on ALL systems.

06-20-2002, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by AlexMax
Moral of the story:

Get Timeplitters 2. It's coming out on ALL systems.

Damn I need to keep up on this stuff. I am getting that game.

As for Halo, I liked it; it's not enough for me to get an Xbox, but it's still a good game. As for Max Payne, I have the PC version(oh and I got it working in Linux) it is a great game.

06-20-2002, 11:28 PM
I played the demo for Max Payne, and I honestly thought it was kind of dumb.. the whole comic thing for the cutscenes was just plain corney, and I just didn't like the game.. although I don't really like FPSs that much either.. the bullet time thing was just wierd :D

06-21-2002, 10:22 AM
I've played co-op a while back for Halo on my friends X-Box. We played it until we beat it. Everybody stays it awesome, and people say thats the game you should get for the Xbox. Even after 6 months, thats still the only game? I thought it was good game, althought I never got to try out the multiplayer matches it had. It had good graphics and huge worlds. But, it's not the king of FPS.

06-21-2002, 10:37 AM
OK Halo isn't a good game at all. For 7 years in the making (Something like that) it sucks. There is about 10 weapons, and there are only about 5 different bad guys. The graphics are OK but not game worthbuying. The multiplayer would be better with SIMS but they're too stupid to use them. The levels are huge but repetive and boring. Hoocking it up is the only good thing but who would lug it around it everywhere they go to a friends house? Not me. I have to say I thought the game was good at first but after an hour, it blew alien ass.