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View Full Version : A place for my quests...

06-19-2002, 02:19 PM
I've began to get to understand the zquest and will probably be starting a project soon, but the fact is I don't have n e where to put it so it can be downloaded until the new Quest Database comes along. I don't know how to make websites and I'm certainly not going to start learning that NOW. So would n e 1 here like to help me and put n e quests I make that I think r pretty good (as long as I get credit for the quest). I will forever be gratful 2 u. I know this probably sounds rude (I thought that while I wrote this) and I will understand if no-one wants to.

06-19-2002, 03:25 PM
Sorry I cant help you. Hopefully by the time your done your quest the database will be finished. Quests ussually take a lot longer than you anticipate.

06-19-2002, 05:12 PM
You're in luck, I wouldn't mind sticking a few of your quests on my site when they're done, just send them to SpikeZQ ([email protected]) in .zip format.:D