View Full Version : Bush gives command: Get Saddam!

06-17-2002, 02:38 PM
Hmmm, what is the leader of U.S.A up to now eh? I just saw on the news that he has issued a command on Saddam, dethrone him using any means neccesary! This will most likely be in the form of a small special forces team.
He just can't wait to finish what his dad started can he, al-quayeda hasn't been totally finished, bin laden is still out there and he's going after saddam, rushing it a bit don't you think?
Why not give Saddam and bin laden an excuse to both attack U.S.A at once! Being a resident of the U.K. i'm a tad worried, mainly due our close ties with our american friends and we are only a small island so it wouldn't take many nukes but i believe it's an american only operation, so i wonder, what is the outcome gonna be of all this? Was nostradamus right when he said the 27 year long war will happen after the third antichrists(many believe it's saddam) death?
What's your views, is america right in going after saddam now?

06-17-2002, 03:45 PM
I don't think we should fight them. First we will just put a pro-usa gov there which will eventually be anti-USA. Second we are always meddling with other countries. That's one reasone why they don't like us. We should go back to out pre-WWI time when we tried not to involve ourselves with other countries as much.

06-17-2002, 03:55 PM
Was this a magazine with a name like "The National Enquirer?" I know you Brits have lots of tabloids. We should just arrange for him to have a shaving accident (straight razor; shaving cream, neck, blood, and dead Sodom;)) and we will be rid of him. The only problem is a treaty was signed by nations that promised against assassination. We still can kill him if we invade, but that is messier and costlier.

06-17-2002, 03:59 PM
Why should we fight Suddam? We already have Osama to deal with.

06-17-2002, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by LORD APOCALYPSE
Hmmm, what is the leader of U.S.A up to now eh? I just saw on the news that he has issued a command on Saddam, dethrone him using any means neccesary! This will most likely be in the form of a small special forces team.
He just can't wait to finish what his dad started can he, al-quayeda hasn't been totally finished, bin laden is still out there and he's going after saddam, rushing it a bit don't you think?
Why not give Saddam and bin laden an excuse to both attack U.S.A at once! Being a resident of the U.K. i'm a tad worried, mainly due our close ties with our american friends and we are only a small island so it wouldn't take many nukes but i believe it's an american only operation, so i wonder, what is the outcome gonna be of all this? Was nostradamus right when he said the 27 year long war will happen after the third antichrists(many believe it's saddam) death?
What's your views, is america right in going after saddam now?

Once again, Bush has been announcing his intentions to go after Saddam for the past year. This recent declaration doesn't mean he's intending to act now. Its been said that any attack by the US on Iraq will take up to a year of planning, which it is going to need. Saddam likely has chemical and biological weapons at his disposal, both of which could cause severe casualties.

Secondly, theres no way the US could take out the entire Al-Qaeda, no fucking way. How is the US supposed to deal with the Al-Qaeda, when its membership is scattered throughout the world, and has cells capable of acting independantly, even in your home country of the UK? What is the US supposed to do, somehow invade your country when your government fails to somehow turn over every single member of Al-Qaeda?

Since Al-Qaeda is a worldwide organization, they can't be fought simply as though they're an enemy nation. To fight them requires monitoring "secure" areas, or our own country and allies, then to go after countries that harbor the Al-Qaeda, which its a givin that Saddam is somehow sympathetic to the Al-Qaeda.

I think the only other solution to the problem of terrorism is to just cave into what ismlamic fundamentalists and Al-Qaeda wants, and thats to abandon Israel and perhaps even start buying our Oil elsewhere. Then Al-Qaeda will then start focussing its energies on overthrowing current arabic governments and installing their own nepotist regimes to repay their membership's loyalties with government positions and money.

This is of course forces the US to forget its interests in the middle east, the main two of which is to continue to keep purchasing cheap oil and to back our eternal ally, Israel. Who's interests should we ultimately give in to? Essentially, this war on terrorism is just to allow us to maintain out objectives in the Middle East, while minimizing civilian casualties from the anti-Western anti-US sentiments that result from out "intrusion".

06-17-2002, 05:23 PM
You damn strait bush needs to go after saddam. we should have finished it 10 years ago. but we wernt ready for that. yea go bush.

06-17-2002, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by Ultra22Lemming
Why should we fight Suddam? We already have Osama to deal with.

And they are both gonna team up to destroy us. That's just like Mandragora and Nitro put together right there.

Where the hell is Solid Snake when you need him...

06-17-2002, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by LORD APOCALYPSE
Hmmm, what is the leader of U.S.A up to now eh? I just saw on the news that he has issued a command on Saddam, dethrone him using any means neccesary! This will most likely be in the form of a small special forces team.
He just can't wait to finish what his dad started can he, al-quayeda hasn't been totally finished, bin laden is still out there and he's going after saddam, rushing it a bit don't you think?
Why not give Saddam and bin laden an excuse to both attack U.S.A at once! Being a resident of the U.K. i'm a tad worried, mainly due our close ties with our american friends and we are only a small island so it wouldn't take many nukes but i believe it's an american only operation, so i wonder, what is the outcome gonna be of all this? Was nostradamus right when he said the 27 year long war will happen after the third antichrists(many believe it's saddam) death?
What's your views, is america right in going after saddam now?

First of all, I'd say Bin laden gets that Third Anti thing before Suddam.

Secondly Britian IS involved up to thier necks: rationale for the invovlement they've given this: IF the US is occupied overseas, under occupation, destroyed, Cut off from Europe, or other wise occupied or incapicated, BRITAIN is the most powerful country left, namely becuase of their Air force and Navy.

Hence your leaders are quite ivovled and worried that they're next.

So I think we'd be best to getem and have then out of oour hiar (althouh i think Syuddam neds embarresd in front of his poeple.)

06-18-2002, 01:11 AM
OK... now don't flame me for saying this, but We should definitely go after Saddam before we worry about Usama.

Look what Usama did was a hell of a crime and a lot of people died and I know that, but he did what he did(acutally HE didn't do it, but nm) for a reason. He hates how we think we are so great when we are really so corrupt and evil. He can see the wrongess in us that we dare not confront. Usama is trying to make the world truly be a better place. However, he still proved his point at a cost of many lives and he needs to die for that.

Saddam on the other hand, is a greedy drunken arab with no consideration for humanity. I saw we cut off his nuts, toss them down his throat, then let Anthony Hopkins do the rest.:mischief:

06-18-2002, 06:49 AM
Daarkseid it made it quite clear on british tv that there will not be an invasion, that would take a year of planning, but a small special forces unit to basically assasinate him or take him alive(yeah right).
He's being hailed as the third antichrist because usama is just an instigator and is supposed to be killed before 2002 is up, saddam on the other hand has declared a haven for palestinians, and we all know who is suicide bombing israel just now.
Also Daarkseid, 3 men were apprehended just last week in the uk for making plans of terrorist activities, they are connected with usama's bunch.

06-18-2002, 07:47 AM
They should have taken out Saddam and anyone else like him years ago. That might have discouraged bin Laden from even trying something like the WTC attack in the first place.

06-18-2002, 03:12 PM
Did I mention I have good reason for liking G.W. Bush? At the Iowa Caucus, my brother played in the band for entertainment. Partway through George W. Bush came up behind him and started to(kind of) drum with him. There's a picture somewhere...

06-18-2002, 08:26 PM
then after usama and saddam, we go after a certain demon from the nether regions. im kidding about going after gates, but they shouldn't kill saddam. they should kill his crazyier than him younger brother. :kawaii:

06-18-2002, 10:17 PM
I say go after Saddam because Osama is his bitch. Saddam is the puppet master and Osama is the puppet.

Saddam has chemical weapons and Osama knows people that will kill themselves setting it off.

They both hate Americans. They're probably sleeping next to each other as I speak. I mean type. :D

Plus I'm getting sick of that part of the world anyway. We try to make them stop killing each other and it causes us problems. Not to mention I don't think they will ever get along. If it were up to me I would send a couple of nukes and give them bigger problems to worry about.

Kill Saddam and we are one step closer to getting Usama. Then maybe we can teach the people to do other things in there lifes other then ending other peoples lives. Like growing food to eat and education for there children. Maybe also teenagers get cars when they hit 16 instead of AK47's.

06-18-2002, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by DukenukemX
... They both hate Americans. They're probably sleeping next to each other as I speak. I mean type. :D ...

What is Saddam who was sleeping with the devil on South Park? I think in the movie too.

06-18-2002, 11:54 PM
Okay, let me clear up some things. First, Nostradumbass is not a real prophet. His predictions are just random speculations added to hype. Second, the whole world was blinded during that time untill 1830 when the vast majority of enlightenment became known. Second, I'm not worried by Saddam and Bing Ladencrosby, but I am watching the problems in Israel, especially for two prophets that have to be murdered. Revelation freaks will understand.

06-19-2002, 12:19 AM
At least Osama is sane. We can't say the same about Saddam.

I think Saddam should kill himself in a suicide bombing against Osama. That would be cool.

06-19-2002, 06:16 AM
Jigglysaint, why discount Nostradamus yet not the revelation prophets? Far more of Nostradamus's prophecies have been correct or more accurate than ANY of the revelation prophecies.
Oh and if you read some nostradamus books you would find a section that talks about israel, along with pakistan and india going to war.