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View Full Version : Zelda Classic 1.57

Dark Nation
06-12-2002, 03:18 PM
With all the arguing over at MO regarding beta 157, I thought I'd see what you guys thought.

More on beta 157 can be found here:


06-12-2002, 03:22 PM
Humans are fucked up, end of story.

06-12-2002, 03:45 PM
I'm not sure what happened. from what I gather, someone found DN's 157 beta and it screwed up their computer, so they blame DN for it, and DN fixed it in 10 seconds, and someone else got infected, so DN moved the folder and everythings fine now, and keenage is just there

06-12-2002, 04:01 PM
I really don't know what to say. It seems that a goof-up is being exploited by people to show just how much they hate AGN. I once downloaded a version of Hyrule Magic from ACLMLs board and I though it destroyed my entire directory, when I suddnly found out I moved it somewhere else. I made a thread exrpressing my complaint, found the directory, and got rid of the post. I think people have got to the point where they believe that they should take no responsibility for anything they did. I d/led somthing off of AIM, ignoring the warnings, and got a trojan virus. I downloaded Marketscore and had to re-install windows(thus deleating it first). I lost all my cookies and was very upset by the fact I had to use my brother's computer to get online. then again, why wasn't 157 immediatly delated after the problem was reported?

Also, the statement about a thief being able to sue if he get's hurt is somthing I have a problem with. We are punishing the innocent and rewarding the guilty. Just remember that crap happens. I sense that there are evil people(yes, you are evil if you think you can sue someone beause of your own stupidity)here who are "wolves in sheeps clothing". They look for a chance to decieve and then blame their actions on other people. Don't give in! also, what about the IE bugs that pose security hazards? AIM? The only reason anybody is pointing fingers here is because they are bad enough people to let other people get punished for their own misconduct. Bad people, very bad indead!

06-12-2002, 04:18 PM
Maybe a commonly heard phrase would put the situation into focus?

"He started it!"

When you were really young (addressed to people in general), just how far did that statement ever get you?
The above would probably be the entirety of the argument against DN.

The argument against kenage? Well, when you were a kid and said "He started it!" were you the only one thought to be at fault? Most likely the two of you involved got dragged off into a corner somewhere. Maybe where you could resolve whatever the hell you did wrong between the two of you.

I don't think appealing to the general ZC community is the way to go for this sort of problem.

Dark Nation
06-12-2002, 04:27 PM

I guess I have to spell things out.

Beta 157 intentionally disables Windows. By design. On purpose.

It came to my attention that Kenage was giving out betas that she was getting from AGN. I didn't know if she had hacked in to get them or if she guess the directory name, saw the directory name at one time before I put the index.html file in the root directory so that a directory listing wouldn't show, or a beta tester (past or present) had given the link to her. So, I deliverately wrote 4 lines of code in beta 157 that disabled windows by renaming the fonts folder. After rebooting, Windows gives the following error message while still in text mode (graphics mode hasn't been initialized yet):

"Error loading GDI.EXE. You must reinstall Windows."

The machine will usually promptly shut down and you have less than a second to read the error message.

Booting into "Safe Mode Command Prompt" and issuing the following command will fix the problem:

ren c:\windows\fonts2 c:\windows\fonts

Sure, the average person wouldn't have known to do this, but the average person shouldn't have had a copy of the beta that was in a hidden directory when I never gave the link out.

The reason I posted this poll was to see what people thought.

War Lord
06-12-2002, 04:44 PM
We store a file on our server, never advertise it or give it out or anything.

Kenage finds it, decides to be an ass, mirrors it, hands it out herself...

And we're at fault? Screw that, I hate how everything is trying to go back to us. I am not saying we aren't at fault at all, because we made the program. But we never handed the damn thing out, it was simply a file we had on our website, hell, there are probably other files on our domain like this. This is why I don't run files on my PC unless I am sure they're fine, (release versions...) Kenage tries to act like she's innocent, however none of this would have happened had she of not worried about files on our server....

I do however love the fact that she seems so consumed by Armageddon Games. She says she hates this and that, yet that's all she seems to worry about. What we do over here, how we do it, what War Lord does, makes stuff up about War Lord and his staff, has people that post here, post at her site to show their true colors(Mott), Her Sex forum moderated by JJ-Tampaxx and whoever else, nice work on that one I must say. I love..No, I get off on the fact that she hates us so much apparently, yet she can't leave us the hell alone. That's why I say nothing, it just makes me happy.

I never had a problem with Kenage until she assumed I hated her and started with all her dumb bullshit.

Kenage, if you read this, I don't hate you, I love you and the fact that you love and are intrigued by AG so much that you can't just leave us the hell alone. Thank you for brightening so many of my days.

06-12-2002, 05:02 PM
I think what DN did could be considered illegal(misdemeaner, I think). But kenage has done illegal things too, like stealing the beta, and posting content from private PM's(sorta like stealing and reading someone's mail).

If kenage hates AGN so much, why then does she spend so much of her time poking around where she shouldn't and trying to make other people hate AGN?

For the most part I think this whole thing is downright stupid. It has gotten WAY out of hand(just read the post at kenage's forum). DN seems to have suceeded in stopping the flow of betas, so his way seems to have worked.

The Silent Assassin
06-12-2002, 05:03 PM
I refrained from voting.


I don't have all the facts on this.

All I do know, is that it is usually in the code of ethics for a programmer not to release a program with "known" problem, or any program without properly testing it first.

And I do know people shouldn't be prying into areas of business where they don't need to be. If something is off limits to you, it's off limits for a reason.

It's like babysitting...the kids want something they can't have, but don't realize why they can't have it until they learn the hard way. And careless babysitters will eventually pay for their irresponsibility.

That's just some general statements. Nothing directed towards anyone, though some might take it that way because you might see it as regarding something about you.

War Lord
06-12-2002, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by The Silent Assassin
All I do know, is that it is usually in the code of ethics for a programmer not to release a program with "known" problem, or any program without properly testing it first.

Which is why we didn't ever release it.

06-13-2002, 01:16 AM
kenage purposely started handing out betas from the very start, before DN did any of this. DN simply taught her a lesson that has not apparently been learned. Sure, what DN did was wrong (I never used the ren command, myself, so I would have been lost), but what kenage did in the first place was immoral.

I still think kenage is more to blame, though. She basically advertized herself as a savior, sharing betas with everyone who shouldn't have them (herself included), and thus took the bait. On one note, the beta is now (at the moment) totally secure. On another note, AGN is being blamed for this; it is said that DN is trying to destroy people's computers. Look at it this way: the problem is that kenage spread this beta around; maybe DN "destroyed" hers (note my use of quotes), but by spreading the file around. she herself "destroyed" those computers owned by others.

{Pardon this post; didn't notice that WL closed the thread.}
