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View Full Version : Quest copying?

06-11-2002, 09:11 PM
Ummm...Since it really isn't feasable for a person to try and find, then sit and play every custom quest that's out there, how do you know if your idea has already been used or not?

06-11-2002, 09:27 PM
sometimes you just don't know, the other day I was telling Plith of all my ideas I'm planning for my 5th quest and he's like: NOOOOOOO!!!! Those are my ideas! And I'm like: o_O What?
Apparently he's using the same ideas as well, but I'm still using them regardless. Because I thought them up myself without help from anyone else.

06-11-2002, 09:45 PM
I just keep thinking that I would really hate to spend all this time designing and preparing a quest just to find out someone already did it and no one will want to play it.

06-11-2002, 10:16 PM
Originally posted by DarkFlameWolf
sometimes you just don't know, the other day I was telling Plith of all my ideas I'm planning for my 5th quest and he's like: NOOOOOOO!!!! Those are my ideas! And I'm like: o_O What?
Apparently he's using the same ideas as well, but I'm still using them regardless. Because I thought them up myself without help from anyone else.

I was saying "NOOOOOOO!!!!!" and yelling and whatnot because every single idea of yours was in my quest... in the same area of my quest. Oh well.

But really, don't sweat yourself over it. Ideas are a dime a dozen. Good quests are rare gems.

06-11-2002, 11:31 PM
Simple: announce it before you get too involved. That way, people will tell you before you mess up. And like plith said: It's not who has the idea, but how good the quest is.