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View Full Version : My Vacation in California...

06-10-2002, 11:26 AM
Whew I'm back from California, we drove. Here's what I did... (in no particular order)

- Rode in bumpy Peinske truck from San Marcos, TX to Pheonix.
- Saw a Nude Car Dealership in Pheonix :eyebrow:
- Went to Disneyland...finally saw Goofy...
- Rode Space Mountain, almost got hit in head with peice of angle iron...
- Found my long-lost (and senior) friend who I haven't seen in 10 years...
- Sleapt in 5 different hotels
- Saw dolphins in REAL LIFE at Radondo Beach, California
- Saw the largest Star Wars store in my life!
- Recited the lines from the Death Star Battle with my Dad
- Learned that Jar Jar Binks is gay
- Rode the Pirates of the Caribbean 4 times...
- Met the guy who improved much of Disneyland, even put in the Indiana Jones ride...
- Had excellant ice cream at a White Marble Creamery...got sick
- Got everyone at AGN Mickey Mouse hats! Not really...

Well that was it...

06-10-2002, 12:47 PM
Fun. I've never been to Disney World, but I have been to Bush Gardens a few times. I just can't wait until I finially go to DW some time in my future. One thing you said makes me raise an eyebrow, what's a nude car dealership? I've never heard of anything like that before, and wouldn't that be illegal since it's public nudity, or something like that?

06-12-2002, 11:43 AM
I wondered about that myself. Must be a "nudes only" thing, and I bet most of the cars were inside.