View Full Version : Hypothetical Legal Question

06-08-2002, 06:10 PM
If you are in a small room with a friend who has glaucoma and a prescription for medicinal marijuana, and you can prove that you did not directly use it, just the second-hand smoke,

Would that be illegal?

06-08-2002, 06:14 PM
no Not at all besides the second hand smoke wouldn't do as much to you anyways

06-08-2002, 06:18 PM
Second hand marijuana smoke does not show up on a drug test, only if you were in an air lock tight room for over 24 hours with nothing but the marijuana smoke. Pretty stupid excuse, if anyone attempts to use it.

06-08-2002, 06:46 PM
it's not illegal to be in a room with someone who is smoking pot without a prescription. and it's not illegal to be high on pot as long as you're not driving or acting like an ass. it's illegal to possess it...but once you're high, there's really not much they can do if the evidence is gone.

06-08-2002, 08:53 PM
Didn't it show up on the one snowboarder at the 98 olympics?