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View Full Version : Maze Prob

06-06-2002, 07:21 PM
Following the tutorial, I made a maze and when I got finished with it, I went right one screen (the tutorial said to) and I saw some icons the could not be replaced. Are they supposed to be there?

P.S. I used the good graphics like the ones in L.T.P. :confused:

06-06-2002, 07:46 PM
Moved to ZQ Editor Help.

06-06-2002, 08:34 PM
Did you check the "screen uses maze path" screen flag? Check that and then defind your paths to get it to work.

06-06-2002, 08:42 PM
Are you using 1.90? This sounds like a bug that was in that version, something to do with a bunch of stuff appearing when "fill" is used. There is a bugfix somewhere, but I haven't been able to find it. You could download 1.92 beta 104, if you want. It can be found here. http://boards.armageddongames.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=57038

06-07-2002, 01:10 AM
Actually, I remember that bug. It's a meanie. It's been squashed. Yay!

But the simple fix for a bad screen is to select Item from the menu and reset it to (none), then design your own screen. Once done, try not to use Fill ever again. :D


06-07-2002, 02:25 PM
Was is like a door, like if you put a door down in a dungeon (or sometimes even an overworld - I put one in once successfully, but only once.) Most of the door or shutters aren't replaceable untill you tell it its a wall instead, or even change the Color of the door! :odd: