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06-03-2002, 12:41 PM
I've heard lots of people talking about cut scenes and such, but how exactly do you make them?

06-05-2002, 03:11 AM
You can't, you can ride the raft and show something during the way you ride it, but that's pretty much all....

06-05-2002, 04:43 AM
That's one way to do it. Another popular tactic is to create a series of screens that tell the story you want and to link them together with side warps on the bottom. You then trap Link against the bottom so that all the player can do is press down and go to the next screen.

06-07-2002, 04:13 AM
And don't forget, there's nothing to stop you from making combos that use the same tiles as Link's sprites, so if you want to have him doing things in your scene that's one way.

Although I haven't tried this yet, so I don't know if it'll work, I'm thinking of putting Link in a 1x1 pen on top of a pit and surrounding it with strike->secret combos and then hiding the whole thing, so the player presses the A button to go to the next screen.

Then I can draw a box around where the message string will show up, use combos to tint that area of the ground, and put an animated combo of the A button being pressed in the lower corner so it'll look like there's a LttP-style dialogue box on the screen with characters wherever I've placed them.

The dialogue can imply what they're doing, and I can also make more Link pictures that only show up when Link's in a cutscene so he'll be able to be surprised, shocked, happy, and so forth based on what's happening.

But, like I say, I haven't tried it yet! I'm still in my planning-on-paper stages. :kawaii:

06-07-2002, 04:39 AM
Not a bad idea - except for the secret sound you would get when you triggered the pit. This will be nice to try, especially once we are able to supress the secret sound effect.