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06-02-2002, 02:56 PM
what Msoft say about how more advanced XP is.
It's not. And I can prove it.

You mayremeber earlier that I couldn't play SWF's. Re-installing didn't work, and you'll never guess how I fixed it -

Well, I had a few SWF's saved as self projecting exe's. This is good as you can play them anywhere but, they are bigger in file size. so I just keep the normal SWF versions.
XP had hooked up its SWF assosiasion with a certain self-projector and when I deleted that, It got itself FUBAR.

I found this out by going into filetypes and looking at all the functions of SWF files. I found the name of one projector in there so what did I do? make a very small SWF, and save it a an EXE, shoved it into a hidden folder and associated it with that.

What is the relevence of this you say?

Well, If a certain file type is not working, no matter what you do, only if you know what you are doing, go into the filetypes area in Folder options and check the file types associations. It may not work due to the fact that the 'file' it was associated with had been moved/deleted/re-named ect. If this is the case then move the association to another file of the same type. Hopefully that should fix it all.

Obi - 1
Msoft - 0

06-02-2002, 03:09 PM
Glad you got it to work.
XP, more advanced? Not really, it's just 2000 with extra crap and bloat and a flashy interface. Just about everything is done the same way as in Windows 2000, even the installation.

I wonder why I didn't think of that? I must have completely forgoten about the file types section of the folder options(not a very logical place to have that, is it?).

06-02-2002, 07:35 PM
I have flash installed and it plays .swf files itself.

Obi, that sounds like some other program (or user) must have tried to associate itself with .SWF files, so it's not really an XP problem. That could happen with any OS, since non of them automatically fix file associations, and why would you want them to? if they did, when you installed a new jukebox or photo editing program or something, the OS would imediatly re-associate the file types to it's 'preffered' program.

06-02-2002, 07:49 PM
no, - I'ed like to set 'default' file associations my self, I prefer to know EVRYTHING that happens on my PC. and If I don't like it, well then it gets the axe in my books...

Back when I had 98, my PC was sorted, it was crap, but sorted...

XP has vertues, but it also has defects....


06-02-2002, 08:20 PM
I was saying it would be bad if the OS changed your associations without you know ing about it

XP handles associations the same as other versions, as far as I can tell...

06-02-2002, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by fmehmobile
I was saying it would be bad if the OS changed your associations without you know ing about it

XP handles associations the same as other versions, as far as I can tell...

That would kill me inside...

Actually, in my opinion, it handles them far worse than 98