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06-01-2002, 10:28 AM
i switched to XP, i use beta 152 windows....... when i play a quest the colorsare all screwy, any ideas?

06-01-2002, 02:54 PM
That's weird. All the colors look different on mine, but they're tolerable. XP screws up a lot of things tho, so until you've lost a ton of programs like me due to xp's bad dos emulation:angry:, try to deal with it. I'm sure you could also adjust the colors to your tastes, I've done that already.:)

06-02-2002, 12:13 AM
Try having XP run the game in 256 color mode (check the Compatability tab under the Properties) as well as in 640x480 mode.

That's all I can suggest right now :).