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05-31-2002, 03:03 AM
It feels good to get older and more mature. As I work at my various pursuits I get a clearer picture of what I am going to do.

Today I trimmed another thing out of my life and it feels great. I dropped my second year spanish courses and replaced them with computer science courses, the material of which I was studying on my own at home anyway.

I feel good about this. So far it looks like I will be double majoring in Computer Science and Music Composition.

I just thought I'd share this sort of clear, refreshed feeling I have today. I cleaned my room too, which is always a good sign.:)

05-31-2002, 04:11 AM
You should have taken Latin instead. I took a couple years before it was gone and it was interesting. Plus everybody takes Spanish. You sj=hould have taken a laungage few people take. If you like it you might have continued it.
P.S. About your room. What did your parents bribe ou to clean it with? :D

05-31-2002, 01:02 PM
You made the right choice Belderan, don't let Slothman pollute your vision. Slothman, don't tell him stuff like that, it isn't good advice to give, because you're going to make him doubt if he made the right choice.

It's better to take computer science anyway, an Spanish speaking person should know English, you shouldn't have to learn another language, unless you want to. ;) I'm half Puerto Rican, and I'd love to learn Spanish, but when I did take it, it was a pain in the ass trying to learn.

05-31-2002, 02:40 PM
a spanish person should know english?
*cue Darunia* :)

I suck at anything involving some kind of art or music, but those two (CS+MC) should compliment each other better than Music and spanish.

Everyone learns spanish? I thought French and/or German were more common.
Must just be me...

05-31-2002, 07:02 PM
I think French is more common than Spanish in the world in general but not around the U.S.A. - Quebec excluded. Any way I was saying that Latin would be better than Spanish because it is similar to English, French, Spanish, Italian, and others. It's like learning several laungages at once. Though if you don't really need to learn another laungage then It is probably good that you dropped it. The time on it can then be spent on "better" things like CS or music. I personally wouldn't take music but that is because I am bad at it and don't want to learn instruments. You obviously like it so it would be a good choice for you.