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View Full Version : AGN Meat

05-30-2002, 04:21 AM
I'm working on a comic-builder along the lines of Red Meat but with characters representing AGN members. I'd appreciate it if anyone who wants to be a part of this would send me a character to represent themselves.

It can be in color, but needs to be a profile or 3/4 view, not a front view. Some people's avatars will do, but most avatars are front view and won't work in the comic context of 2 characters talking to each other.

Send images to [email protected] TIA

05-30-2002, 04:25 AM
Oh geez ... this could be hilarious ... I want in. :kawaii:

What sort of pics do you want? If I can find a side view of my av, will that work? (I can't draw to save my life.) Any particular file format?

05-30-2002, 05:16 AM
I don't know how Bowie'd look as a comic character (maybe I should bring gack Junpei), but I love your idea.

By the way, would you be using your current av for the JayeM character?

05-30-2002, 05:52 AM
ill be in it, but as for a character to use, i have no idea... how about i let one of you guys choose something... australian.

Elemental Knight
05-30-2002, 06:19 AM
Count me in.

Just about everything I have is HERE (http://geocities.com/chronom_factor/sprites/). I don't know about a profile / three-fourths view, though... I might be able to whip something together, but it'll have to wait (possibly until next Friday).

05-30-2002, 07:04 AM
Sure, I can snap you up some Kirby shots. :) do you want any of my animated animations as well?

05-30-2002, 07:41 AM
inori, yes a side or 3/4 view of your avatar would be perfect.
mikeron, it doesn't have to be a cartoon Bowie, and yes, I think I'll use my current avatar.
Elemental Knight, got a larger version of your avatar? Looks like it's 3/4 view.
obi, while animations will work, they kinda limit the kind of comics that can be made with them. I'd though about using Cyclone's cloud w/ lightning animation for him.

05-30-2002, 10:31 AM
hmmm, okay, I'll send you some 'normal' kirby poses - Is there a specified size? i.e. bigger than 20*20 pixels? if so, I'll go out looking for some fan-art. I'll aske clyclone if he wants in or if we can use his current av, if thats what you mean...