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View Full Version : Something unexpected happened in Zelda Classic...

05-29-2002, 06:24 PM
This isn't a bug, but when I was playing on Zelda Classic, I accidently hit a key on the keyboard, (can't remember which one) and a message saying "Paused" appeared at the bottom left corner of my screen. I couldn't move and no enemies moved. I didn't know how to turn it off, so I just restarted Zelda Classic. Which key did I hit and how do you unpause?

05-29-2002, 07:01 PM
F3. Press it again to unpause. F4 is similar in that it makes the program pause one frame ahead, so you can slow the thing down by hitting it repeatedly.

05-30-2002, 12:31 AM
I use F4 to move it frame by frame, when I want to check to make sure I made animations right.

05-30-2002, 02:03 AM
I've discovered that those keys are good for slow-motion. That is, hold down F4 and keep going with the arrow keys. I don't suggest trying to play a regular game this way, though. :)


05-30-2002, 02:27 PM
Alright, thanks. It seems I will have only one use for the slow animation and it will be on C-Dawg's quest at one part...