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05-28-2002, 06:11 PM
This weakend, my mom and soon-to-be step-dad (Fred, who is very cool), me and his son Eric went to OceanCity Maryland, hoping to relax a little. We went there on Friday night, and came back at about 4:20pm today, Tuesday. Life was swell, I got a nice tan (my back is burnt). But on Saturday night, my mother got a call from the state police in Pa. My sister Jenn (who is 16) had a party at my mom's house (Jenn lives with her dad, she is the straight A kid but my dad is never home so she thinks she can do anything she wants). Now my other sister Jess (Jess is 15 and acts all bad and stuff, but is really kind and nice). So Jenn had this party at my mom's house, and who came along is her boyfriend Tom (Tom is 15, and we don't even know his lastname because he has about three of them, he smokes and does drugs, and his mother does too. It is beleives that she supplies him. His Uncles is also part of the Mafia, no joke.) During this party, Jenn opened up the back door, (there is a LARGE field behind our house that leads to a small highway), the cat ran out, and didn't come back until later that night, where he slept all night and was crying to get in. Our neighbors brought the cat in. They also had Marijuana in the house, Beer, and atleast 1 Bong. Someone (I think our neighbors) called the police that there was a large and uncontrolled party at my mom's house. So my sister Jess let the trooper in, because she was scared out of her mind of all the drunk people. The trooper made everyone leave except for Jess. Jenn and Tom (maybe more) were taken down to the station and were tested for marijuana and alchohol (sp?). Then my mom and I come home to my mom's house (Fred is at his new house, Fred used to be Cheif of Police about 2 years ago, but now works at the Allentown airpot as security) to find all the toilets clogged with cigarettes in them, and my Jess was sick from just the smell of the place. So hopefully things will brighten up for us...

05-29-2002, 01:06 AM
Man, all of that really blows. As I tell everybody, I will be praying for you. Hope everything gets better...

05-29-2002, 01:53 AM
Your sister obviously knows how to throw a really good party :)

Seriously, though, I have been in that situation before, you always think your going to get away with it, and you almost never do, oh well.


05-29-2002, 07:16 AM
damn, that sucks man. I hope it all gest better for you. ;)

05-29-2002, 06:11 PM
My mom just informed me last night that Jenn is indeed getting ARESTED for the party, due to the underage handling of marijuana and the beer. So, her car IS getting sold, but she is keeping her job, but the money goes to paying off her car bills. Also, my mom said that everywhere Jenn goes, either my mom or dad MUST be there. LMAO, she needs a babysiter at the age of 16.

05-29-2002, 06:36 PM
Isn't it fun to laugh at your little sister's misfortune? :kawaii: And aren't you glad you moved out?