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View Full Version : Fight Quest Demo?

05-26-2002, 11:23 AM
OK, I have a demo of a fight quest, where all you do is fight very challenging battles (can you beat a 4-head gleeok with a wooden sword, no ring, 5 hearts, and a red water of life? I can). There is only two problems

-The QDB is down, so I have to use the forums to get it around.
-I don't know how to put a download link on a post (I know I am a newbie! Sorry)

It's a lot more fun then it sounds (I hope), but I'd like feedback.

So who wants try this :mad: quest.

05-26-2002, 11:29 AM
Im more of a puzzle type than a fight type... Why don't you use geocities to upload some pics and then put [*IMG]website[*/IMG] for download links do [*URL]website[*URL] just remove the stars and put the website where your pics or downloads at.

Simmen Stenil
05-26-2002, 12:13 PM
Sounds good. Use the site in my sig to upload your quest, then right click the file you uploaded, then go to copy shortcut, you should be able to post a link here.

Simmen Stenil

05-26-2002, 01:29 PM
could I use that site to upload 2 quests?

05-26-2002, 01:35 PM
I'll post the link soon. (EDIT: POSTED)

Bear in mind a bug in ZC 1.92! If you press continue when you die, you will get stuck in a wall. Each time you die, you MUST press save (or retry) and then load the data again.

Sorry for that inconvenience.

Repeat: I'll post the link soon. (EDIT: POSTED)

EDIT: OK, I'm new at this stuff. But let's try...

I hope this link to the quest works! (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/zelda-classic/files/Quests/thefight.qst)

Report any bugs please! (besides the other one, see above)

Simmen Stenil
05-26-2002, 04:16 PM
Yeah, sure *b*. It allows direct linking, so you should have no trouble. It's open to anyone who wants to post a quest.

Simmen Stenil

05-26-2002, 04:42 PM
how DO I post a quest?

05-26-2002, 06:36 PM
Just join and post it on the quests thing. Then link it from there.

And don't go on this tangent for too long, cuz I want some feedback posted here.

Simmen Stenil
05-26-2002, 08:30 PM
Hey, nice quest so far, but is there any chance you'll use a newer tile set? If not, that's ok. *b*, have any luck with the quest posting?

Simmen Stenil

05-27-2002, 07:40 AM
I suppose I could go ahead and revamp the tiles...

I don't know though. Classic is my favorite tileset, because I'm not good at graphics, and if I use new tileset, the tiles that I make aren't very good and clash with the "good-looking ones".

How far did you get

05-27-2002, 08:29 AM
Sounds cool! I'll try it!

Simmen Stenil
05-27-2002, 12:58 PM
Hey *b*, I made it so you don't need to join the group to post a quest. You can post the files without signing up now, if you wish.

Simmen Stenil

05-27-2002, 05:49 PM
OK, 2nd level is half way finished.

I decided to start the player off with double magic.

The continuing bug is fixed, thanks to Immortal Warrior.

And MD, I might make a pure Puzzle Quest right after this.