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View Full Version : Bad for Classic Castlevania fans... Good for those who hate the new GCN Zelda

05-22-2002, 11:21 PM
Ok... I was wrong on one thing about the new GCN Castlevania game... Konami decided 2D would not sell good on a next-gen console... and decided to start from scracth on a new 3D Castlevania on GCN...

Well, sounds bad, eh? Couldn't stand the Castlevania's on the N64, huh? Well, Konami claims to have fixed that. Not only have they fixed the awkward camera, or the bad lock-on targeting... but the entire experience.

Unlike the so-called BOMBs (though, I thought they were ok) this game won't be linear. In fact, (here's the cool part for those who don't want the GCN Zelda) It will be like a 3D SOTN! Exploring a large ,haunted castle, just as if you are Link walking through an old, deserted stone, bloody, undead Hyrule... Creapy, huh? Speaking of creapy games, Konami wants its graphics to rival RE's.

Well, Konami still wants it to be somewhat secret, but this is all they gave out about the game. Well, from what you know... How do you look at it?

05-23-2002, 12:14 AM
Originally posted by Dracula
Unlike the so-called BOMBs (though, I thought they were ok) this game won't be linear. In fact, (here's the cool part for those who don't want the GCN Zelda) It will be like a 3D SOTN! Exploring a large ,haunted castle, just as if you are Link walking through an old, deserted stone, bloody, undead Hyrule... Creapy, huh? Speaking of creapy games, Konami wants its graphics to rival RE's.

That's sort of how I thought Castlevania 64 was going to be like but it was just put into stages like normal with big levels. I liked Castlevania 64 and even bought the special edition version of it, Legacy of Darkness. I still haven't gotten Reindhardt's good ending. I was trying to beat the game on Hard with High resolution on (frame rate falls). I think I'd like to see another Castlevania like the N64 one(s), they were pretty good for N64 games. The whole Villa part was the best area in the game. Though they could do a lot better this time.

05-23-2002, 12:30 AM
BTE, what is a "BOMB"?
This might be an interesting way of doing it. If it doesn't have the "true" 3D where all 6 directions are possible instead of just Zelda-like but more layers.

05-23-2002, 12:51 AM
Originally posted by slothman
BTE, what is a "BOMB"?
This might be an interesting way of doing it. If it doesn't have the "true" 3D where all 6 directions are possible instead of just Zelda-like but more layers.

"BOMB" meaning the N64 games are thought to have bombed by gamers, terrible games, "a movie bombed at the box office", didn't do well.

05-23-2002, 01:21 AM
I LIKED Castlevania 64. Sure it had its faults (namely the bad camera angle) but it retained the feel of the old classic Castlevania's on the NES and SNES (not the many incarnations on the PS1)

Sounds good though.. although Castlevania was never meant to be an RPG style game, levels are the way it was meant to be.

05-23-2002, 03:30 AM
Originally posted by Overlord
(not the many incarnations on the PS1)

What many incarnations? The only Castlevania games the PSX had were Symphony of the Night(1997) and the recently released Casltevania Chronicles(2001). Symphony of the Night was non-linear RPGish game that is hailed as the best in the series. And that was it.

Castlevania Chronicles, on the other hand, plays even more like a real Castlevania game than any of the Castlevanias on the SNES did. Not only was the gameplay highly backward compared to the later Castlevania games, it had levels directly ripped from Castlevania 1, in 16-bit style graphics. The first level design is the exact same from CV1, the 4th level resembles level 2(and even has the same boss with the same room design), and Level 7 is exactly like level 5 in CV1. Castlevania Chronicles was much more like the NES/SNES Castlevanias than the N64 versions.

I'm anxious to see how they make Castlevania for the GC, I'm hoping that at the very least, they include a good soundtrack with maybe some remixes from previous games. If there is one thing I enjoy out of Castlevania above all, its been the music.

05-23-2002, 06:14 AM
Originally posted by Overlord
I LIKED Castlevania 64. Sure it had its faults (namely the bad camera angle) but it retained the feel of the old classic Castlevania's on the NES and SNES (not the many incarnations on the PS1)

Sounds good though.. although Castlevania was never meant to be an RPG style game, levels are the way it was meant to be.

I bought the game when it was new, played it until I got utterly frustrated, and put it away. Only recently (within the last month) have I gotten it out again, and I must say I have new respect for the game!

As to not being RPG, Castlevania II was decidedly RPG-like, with shops and a linear storyline (and the ability to go back to the beginning if you wanted to).

05-23-2002, 11:09 AM
You guys know what I voted for. 2D! Castlevania is a 2D game! I wish that instead of making purty 3D graphics, they used that disk space for more of the actual GAME.

05-23-2002, 12:15 PM
I will buy the new CV game either way. I love CV. They really have never made a bad CV game. They are all good games atleast. I wish I had the money to buy the n64 CV, because I would. It's still CV. It still is a good game. It's different, but not bad.

I'm still most interested in konami bringing out Dracula X : Rondo of Blood (PCE CD) to psx. Even if they didn't bring it to the USA, I'd import it. And then, if they did bring it to the USA, I'd buy that one too! I'd want both.

05-23-2002, 04:49 PM
Egh, why are all the companies thinking "2d won't do well on a next gen console"? Sure, 3d is great and all, but I want to see more 2d games! Like DDX said, less space on graphics would equal more room for the game...I think I'd want the next CV game to be more like SOTN (one of the games in my top 5 of all time list) or COTM...

05-23-2002, 04:52 PM
Many people thought the 3D CV's were bad because they expected it to compare to SOTN, which I'll admit, isn't half as good. That's why Konami is starting from scrath and combining the two together. An unlinear castle, but you can see it from a 3D point of view. I personally think it will be cool seeing Castlevania the way it was first pictured... Certain points of views to understand this...

05-23-2002, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Mottzilla
I wish I had the money to buy the n64 CV, because I would. It's still CV. It still is a good game. It's different, but not bad.

If you can only get one, buy the Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness version. Some levels are redesigned for the better, new stages, 2 new characters (with 1 being a speed through quest through the stages), new music for new stages, Reindhart and Carrie's quests, and just overall the better package. The only reason I would want to own Castlevania 64 in addition to Legacy of Darkness that I own is the little difference between the games, like Dracula's brief speech, the brief speech of Reindhart in the beginning, and the levels that were changed in LoD.

05-24-2002, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by Mak-X

If you can only get one, buy the Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness version. Some levels are redesigned for the better, new stages, 2 new characters (with 1 being a speed through quest through the stages), new music for new stages, Reindhart and Carrie's quests, and just overall the better package. The only reason I would want to own Castlevania 64 in addition to Legacy of Darkness that I own is the little difference between the games, like Dracula's brief speech, the brief speech of Reindhart in the beginning, and the levels that were changed in LoD.

Well, Konami said the original Castlevania 64 was like a beta, and not fully complete... so LoD is the only way to go for the best 3D Castlevania experience (except for Ressurection on DC, but there were only 10 demo's made, so they are the hardest Castlevania product ever to find)

05-25-2002, 01:00 AM
Dracula, can you tell me where to get an ISO of a DC demo of that? PM me or something. And I know about the N64 CV games already.