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05-20-2002, 01:40 AM
I hate my ex-girlfriend. She choose against me and for that, I will be mad at her until I die. I hold grudges very well.

So she tries to IM me a few minutes ago and I just turned off IM. It makes me feel better. I'm pissed at her. When I said I was never going to speak to her again, I meant it.

And we had dated for two years. Man, I hate her.

05-20-2002, 01:49 AM
what happened that was so horrible that your ending a two year relationship over it? Personnaly, I can never seem to hold a grudge, I try, but I always seem to fail.

05-20-2002, 01:53 AM
I can't really add any info to this until you explain some more. Me personally I can hold a grudge, but I sometimes forget that that I hate somebody until I see them, hehe.

05-20-2002, 01:55 AM
What happened? Well, she doesn't do anything productive and I DO, so she was always pissed that I needed to stay home and practice music so much, so I told her I didn't want to go out for a while because I needed to time to work. I made it clear that I still loved her but that I just couldn't be there for her then. So a week later she starts dating this guy from my math class! A WEEK! After two years! What a slut!

05-20-2002, 02:02 AM
well, if she doesn't value your relationship, I don't see why you should, although I would try and give it another chance, to avoid throwing two years down the crapper. But if your sure you don't want to date her anymore, then you should probably not waste any more time on her

05-20-2002, 02:05 AM
I DO want to date her. But she chose that guy from my math class. Therefore I hate her and will never talk to her again. Am I immature? Maybe. Am I petty? Yes. Do I care? No.:mad:

05-20-2002, 02:08 AM
I can't help but feel better about myself after hearing of this break up and how much you hate your former girl friend for it.

05-20-2002, 02:12 AM
You're welcome, I guess.:confuse2:

Drunken Tiger
05-20-2002, 02:18 AM
I feel your hatred and anger!!

I am also good at holding grudges.. This bitch got a freiend to ask me out on behalf of her so is said "OK why not" we went out for two weeks and she gets her friend to break up with me!!! WTF??:angry:

05-20-2002, 02:29 AM
Originally posted by Beldaran
You're welcome, I guess.:confuse2:

I'm a bitter resentful sort of a person, but its nice to know I'll have some company in this dark abyss for the time being...

05-20-2002, 02:34 AM
Originally posted by Daarkseid

I'm a bitter resentful sort of a person, but its nice to know I'll have some company in this dark abyss for the time being...

Ah, then of course you are welcome. Though I have a positive outlook on my own life, I am generally acknowledged to be one of the most cynical and bitter people around. My parents wanted to send me to counciling for a while. I told them I wouldn't go. The jokingly said they'd have the police drag me there. I very seriously replied that it would be an interesting experiment to see how many dead cops it was worth to them.

Don't get me wrong, I love my parents (and I respect police officers) more than anything, but I hate psychologists.:)

05-20-2002, 02:39 AM
Originally posted by Beldaran

Don't get me wrong, I love my parents (and I respect police officers) more than anything, but I hate psychologists.:)

Me too... every time I go to the hospital, they have some councellor or psychologist talk to me about my "personality" and certain other issues like threats of suicide and so forth. Its quite irritating, but they do have to take certain behaviors seriously to ensure I don't wind up dead or back in the hospital, but just the same, I'd rather not have to keep seeing a therapist like they want me to.

05-20-2002, 02:45 AM
I feel your pain dude, but I gotta say this. You should talk to her. She may want you back.

:odd: Me, on a normal day.

05-20-2002, 03:53 AM
I think it is a bad idea to hold grudges. It really doesn't affect the other person, and it makes you feel bad. Talk to her. You'll feel much better, although it might take a little while.

BTW Daark, why do you keep going to the hospital? It's ok if you don't feel comfortable answering.

05-20-2002, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by Cloral
BTW Daark, why do you keep going to the hospital? It's ok if you don't feel comfortable answering.

The answers lie here (http://boards.armageddongames.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=46679). Its a rock bottom topic, and its old, but it has everything there that is pertinant to my actual situation.

05-20-2002, 03:25 PM
Daarkseid! Ya gotta love him!:D

05-20-2002, 04:11 PM
Kill him. Beat her. And Have a Nice Day. =)