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View Full Version : Star Wars Episode 2: Don't get the hype...

05-16-2002, 01:17 PM
I'm just about halfway through it and I really don't understand why everyone goes so crazy over this shit... oh well to each their own I suppose but you guys do realize it's just a movie right?

05-16-2002, 01:21 PM
All I know for sure is that Lucas is a cockmonger.

God, I never get tired of saying that.

05-16-2002, 01:22 PM
hehehe indeed.

05-16-2002, 01:36 PM
Halfway through huh? Did you download the screener online, or what exactly?

05-16-2002, 01:44 PM
got it burned for me.

Glad to know Lucas is pissed too =)

05-16-2002, 01:55 PM
Hehe, love it when you get to be the "first" to see the movie, lol
I think that was the way with PM whe it first came out, my brother got the movie. Hehe, bootlegs are cool, hehe!

Actually, I really would rather go see it in the movies than download it, but since I have no authority over my brother...

05-16-2002, 02:02 PM
It's Star Wars!

05-16-2002, 02:54 PM
yes....because seeing a movie on a 19 inch screen on yoru desktop is EXACTLY like the theaters. *cough* tool

wait wait..if you take your speakers and move them back and forth around your head its ALLLMOST like THX surroundsound..

the cinematrography and effects are so redonkulous no screen other than the big screen will do it justice.

in the end, dont be that guy who downloads the movie, watches a shitty version and says its not good. maybe if you LIKED starwars....
wouldnt you go nuts if they made a zelda movie just as good?

05-16-2002, 03:16 PM
any screen you putr it on wouldn't make it anything more than a gay star wars movie... another gay star wars movie...

05-16-2002, 03:32 PM
NATALIE PORTMAN IS SO DAMN HOT. I think I gotta go to a Havard party :)

05-17-2002, 02:01 AM
Hey DC, we must talk on AIM. I need to get hooked up with that one. :p

The Silent Assassin
05-17-2002, 02:09 AM
I saw it Wed night at midnight with some friends. The "mood" was better, but the acting still sucks. Also, wtf is with Padme having new outfits all the time? Thought she was "away" from her home and traveling light during these times? Heh...it was worth "the" Yoda scene and seeing Samuel L fighting...

Drunken Tiger
05-17-2002, 02:35 AM
I have never watched a full movie of Star Wars and i dont plan on doing so anytime soon....:tongue:

05-17-2002, 02:51 AM
Originally posted by Darth Cronic
got it burned for me.

Glad to know Lucas is pissed too =)

what do you mean? you have the movie on your comp.?

Drunken Tiger
05-17-2002, 02:54 AM
He has it on cd....;)

thats what he means...

Naughty lil boy.... tsk tsk..:lol:

05-17-2002, 07:05 AM
lol refer to my other post in this topic:):) SHE IS SO DAMN HOT:):):)

05-17-2002, 02:22 PM
My friend just got it so I'm gong to download it to my computer soon. Although I saw it in the theaters list night. I must say that the acting and the dialogue were terrible! Like when Anakin brings his dead mother back and Amadala asks him "What's wrong, Anakin?" :sick: No large screen movie theater can fix that, so who really cares if you watch it on your computer? I've even heard it looks a lot crisper on a computer screen than it does in the theater since it was shot on digital film.
It got much better when they just shut up and fought. Yoda fighting was by far the best part of the movie. When he stepped in, the entire croud cheered. On the other hand, everybody booed Jar Jar Binks, which was hilarious.
The special effects were nice, but that just doesn't make a movie.

Glenn the Great
05-19-2002, 05:45 PM
I just got back from seeing Star Wars, and I think it is really worth the hype. It's no big deal to me that the acting (well, the dialogue, at least) isn't Grammy Award material. Star Wars has never been about fantastic acting. The Jedi have always been people who speak directly and to the point. Star Wars's focus has always been on fantastic fights between heroes and villains using high tech weaponry, droids, and ships. This movie certainly had all of that. Darth Tyranus kicked ass. Sure, he spoke in a flat, direct tone just like everyone else in the movie, but he really layed the moves on the Jedi. It was very exciting to see Jango Fett in action and learn about how he ties in with Boba Fett and the three original movies. My favorite thing about Star Wars is how they mix creativity with high technology and alien races. That's what it is all about; not the acting.