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05-09-2002, 10:58 PM
Does anyone here have any experience with sound stream filtering? I have a song in wav format (from a CD) and I want to isolate and eliminate the vocals from it so that only the music remains. I know this can be done, at least to a certain extent. FFTs and whatnot can isolate frequencies....

Anyway... CoolEdit 2000 can do FFTs, but has anyone seen or used any other tools for this sort of process? I'd also like to digitally transpose music (not necessarily this song) without distorting the percussion instruments (so a time stretch won't work - i'd also like to keep the same tempo) What about a tool for this? I know there's professional hardware that does this latter effect, so it should be relatively simple to reproduce it digitally.

05-10-2002, 12:24 AM
My CD burner program (Nero) has an option to remove vocals from audio files. I believe it does it by comparing the left and right audio channels somehow (so it only works if the audio is stereo).

Ugh, FFTs are scary. That brings back nightmares from my CS theory class...

05-10-2002, 02:59 AM
I always wanted to know how to do that. I also want to get a decent damn recording program to record my remaining cassette tapes to CDs. However other than SoundRecorder, the sound is always horribly staticy when recorded. And sound recorder won't record longer than 30/60 seconds. If anyone knows how to make sound recorder record for like 5 minutes that would be awesome...

05-10-2002, 04:04 AM
A lot of people don't realize that sound recorder does in fact record for as long as you want it to. It just wasn't set to do so by default. All you need to do, before you record anything is hit record on it, let it get to the end, however long it stops at, then hit record again. It will a double the time from the first recording, keep doing this until you reach your 5 or so minute mark (or as it will appear on the recorder 300.00 secs ;) )

As for the topic at hand. I don't think you're going to be able to do this without some song loss, from a program. There isn't even a program that can properly pick out frequencies of multi instrument wav files for midi conversion, much less anything that will take singing out for you :)

Perhaps you might want to try seeing if there is a "Karaoke" version on a file share program of some sort ? Those are generally decent to good in most cases, and would require a lot less to remove vocal wise :thumbsup:

05-10-2002, 04:04 AM
You mean like the one that comes with Windows? You can do it, but it's just a little bit of a pain.

Open up Sound Recorder, and push the record button (without playing the sound you're recording). It will record for 60 seconds and stop. Then push the button again. It'll record for another 60 seconds. Repeat until you've recorded for longer than the length of the song you actually want to record. Then go back to the beginning, and record your actual sound. Since you created a sound longer than 60 sec, it'll keep going, up to the length of the sound you created. (Sadly, this is how I got the audio for the game I'm working on - I needed .wav files, and I didn't know Winamp would convert MP3s to WAVs...)

Alternatively, just open another sound that's longer than what you want to record, and record over that. (Be sure to save your new file with a different name. ;) )

05-10-2002, 04:07 AM
Apparently inori and I were typing our messages out at the same time :laughing:

Now I feel special ;)
By the way inori... I went to browse around your page a while, some interesting reading there in some parts. I can't seem to get the little space shooter game to load up though, I double click it and it acts like it's going into a DOS window then, poof... nothing... as if I hadn't clicked it at all. It looked fun so I was gonna try it out ;)

05-10-2002, 04:12 AM
Hehehe ... that's so :kawaii: !!

That's strange ... some people have reported this problem, and others are able to get it to run fine. So far, I haven't been able to find a common thread among those for whom it won't work. About the only advice I can offer is to make sure you have DirectX 7 or up, but I'd be surprised to find out someone didn't. :shrug: I've been meaning to work on it some more, but then that darn school thing got in the way ... well, it's almost summer now; maybe I'll have some time.

Oh, and I mentioned an interpreter a few days ago in the Programming forum. That'll be on my webpage within the next couple of days, if anyone's interested...