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View Full Version : Which is the most difficult thing to master in the ZQuest?

05-09-2002, 04:38 AM
Which you think is the most difficult thing to deal with and annoys you or pisses you of easily in ZQuest, because it is not the easiest program to use. I am just curious, because some time ago I had huge problems to understand how to use the layers, but now I think it is very easy, and very often I´ll go nuts when I try to make a perfect palette for my new quest.

05-09-2002, 06:41 AM
I think 3 things are the hardest: layers, tile editing and palettes. Palettes are probably the hardest because if you don't understand how palettes work, you can just forget all about making your own graphics for ZC. One you figured that out it's pretty easy though. tile editing can be dificult too depending on of what quality you want your tiles to be. And layers, well they are just a pain because there's alot of things you can do wrong.

Manson Seed
05-09-2002, 09:12 AM
I'd have to say the Palettes can be the most challenging at first. For me, it took quite a while of messing with them to figure what goes where. It took even longer yet to figure out palette cycling. but I guess with future versions, its not an issue anymore:D

05-09-2002, 09:34 AM
Pallettes, hands down, was the hardest thing I ended up having to learn in the beginning. Luckily after all this time none of the "oldschool" parts of ZC have changed. It's just the way I left it... plus tons of extras ;)

05-09-2002, 10:24 AM
Personally, i have the most trouble with layers (still can't get them to work) DMaps (more of a trial and error thing every time) and Pallets (which can be really annoying trying to get all the colors set up right)

Immortal Warrior
05-09-2002, 10:40 AM
Hmm, I have most difficulty with story scenes, cos they take so damn long, so I went with "Other", no offence to anyone who has difficulty with them, but I find palletes really easy to make and edit :shrug:

05-09-2002, 11:24 AM
When I first got ZQuest, back in August 2000, version 1.84, I was up till 3am for a whole week trying to learn ZQuest. (this was way before AlphaDawg's tutorial). I pretty mucuh took things from Mottzilla's little tutorial he had and posted questions on the boards,

For me, the trickiest thing was conencting rooms. Like, making caves where guys could give you secret items, and connecting the overworld to a dungeon. But, that's all really easy now.

I haven't used ZQuest since 1.84, but I'm sure there will be new things to gripe about when I play with the new one.

05-09-2002, 12:25 PM
The only things I've had trouble with are palette cycling and the 3 stair warps. I never figured them out, but I also haven't tried to for over a year, so maybe I could figure them out now.

05-09-2002, 12:47 PM
the hardest thign for me to figer out was that holding shift and pressing page up/down meant MORE tiles...i couldnt find how to do that anywhere. layers, pallettes, those were easy. tile editing can be annoying if you want it to look good.

i DEF. agree that story screens are the most annoying

05-09-2002, 12:51 PM
It's all damn easy. I took a look at the tutorial when I didn't understand something, and then I fully understood it. :D

05-09-2002, 03:05 PM
Actually, I found ZQuest surprisingly easy to learn... when I first started using it in the first days of January 2001, I'd use the first quest as a reference for what I can and can't do, and try to make my own quest that used the features the first quest could(since I played through the BS_First quest to the end, and figured that it played almost the same as Example_first). Anything I couldn't figure out, I used ZQuest's fractured help text.

I couldn't quite figure out how to replace the item used by the Armos-->Item flag though, so I registered on the forums and asked how, getting an answer fairly quickly.

Right now, the only things I can't do with ZQuest are the less obvious things, like many of the special tricks people came up with, such as custom bosses and what not. These I could do if I sat down and figured them out for myself, but I'm too lazy.

05-09-2002, 03:55 PM
I havent used the program very long time yet so I master only few things at this point, but I suck in tile editing. So I am letting my friend do the graphics for my quest, who in this case is the maker of the poll: Petoe.

05-09-2002, 05:14 PM
What really gets me fustrated is them dang whistle and three-stair warps.:badrazz: :banghead:

05-09-2002, 05:54 PM
Well, until the current betas came out, I would have said pallettes/tile editing, like a lot of people.

However, in the new beta, the hardest thing to work with is actually the Dmaps. To my knowledge, C-Dawg has done the best job of working with them...but his design methods still lack refinement, as the player continues from points deep into the dungeon at times. It is possible to completely avoid that, and C-Dawg was the one to figure out how the continue bug works, but even his quest has lots of continue bugs (even some serious ones at the moment...he'll be leaving in some minor ones), and there aren't many (even among the best quest-makers) who have a good grasp of the potential for pit-warp puzzles and other similar advanced features, and can create dungeons using them without encountering serious bugs.

05-09-2002, 07:03 PM
Everything seemed so simple for me. I skimmed through the tutorial and figured out the rest.

SS4 Goku
05-10-2002, 08:26 PM
pallets are the hardest things to learn with me but i had no problem with pallet cycling but i never used it. still can't figure out the three stair warp and the dungeon warp yet. tile editing is pretty hard to learn at first but after awhile it gets easy.(still can't make lava tiles or change how the characters look. i can't even make a cool looking magic bar)

05-10-2002, 09:39 PM
I'd definitly say the palettes. If you cahnge one color of the palette, you don't know how many other tiles or sprites will change.

05-11-2002, 03:56 PM
I've been working with Zelda Classic since December of 2000.

Last week, I created my first successful pallette cycle ever.

Then for good measure I made another one last night. :)

10-20-2004, 03:57 PM
It's not that hard to use. About palettes, palettes are a pain in the ass most of the time, not just ZC. Now I'll give it to you that Zquest and editing palettes in there is not very desireable. When I've programmed with palettes, I ussually make my own software to help edit game graphics till the palettes are as I like and such.

Still, don't most people just use graphics they downloaded (like NewFirst).

10-22-2004, 10:42 AM
Everything is quite easy now, after I took the time to learn how to do some combo cycling. The only thing that still presents a problem in the way of maps and combos is making a custom boss work the way I want it to. In the way of everything else, palette cycling still gives me a bit of trouble. Of course I don't even bother using that anymore, except for things like crystals that flash. I just don't like the idea of having to disable the palette cycling just to use the "dark" feature in the palette editor. It would really help if that button didn't replace the dark button. It nedds to be it's own button now.