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View Full Version : All these themes...

The Silent Assassin
05-08-2002, 07:07 PM
I was wondering...will all these themes eventually cause a memory problem like oh say...all the posts + the search engine did? Because the themes aren't a necessity, just cool if they are reasonable.

05-08-2002, 07:09 PM
I wouldn't think that they take up much space.
It's just a 20k image for the title, and than a config file for the layout and color scheme. I can't imagine why a theme would be any bigger than half a meg(at the most).

The Silent Assassin
05-08-2002, 07:24 PM
Well, once they have all customized images...and having like 30 themes...

05-08-2002, 07:26 PM
I don't think WL would just delete all the custom themes, but if there does get to be too many in the future he will probably just weed out the less used ones.

The Savior
05-08-2002, 08:34 PM
I don't see why he can't make the URL for most of the theme pics something that's stored locally on each user's comp, so that if you wanted a particular theme, you'd have to do a small download first.

05-08-2002, 08:40 PM
That would be a problem because Windows users have C:\ and Linux users have /. The themes shouldn't really be a problem with bandwidth I wouldn't think. The script just stores which theme you wants and spits out the CSS and images when you load a page...

05-08-2002, 08:40 PM
The Chrono Break theme pic is already stored remotely. It won't show up, since Warlock's host is dead.
In other words I think that the theme images hould be stored on AGN's server if possible.

05-08-2002, 08:49 PM
how much server space does AGN have, anyhow?