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View Full Version : Ugh why the fuck did I do this...

05-08-2002, 03:35 AM
I stood up fairly late to begin with... around 1am.. I wasn't really too tired, but I went to bed knowing that if I didn't I would never wake up in time in the morning.

I couldn't fall asleep.

So I got back up and got on my computer ( which is in my room ). Now its 3:30am and I dont know what to do. I can't skip school, I've missed the past two days due to sickness. So what should I do?

I can go to sleep now, try desperatelywake up around 7am, have lots of caffiene and be a miserable wreck all day...

or I can stay up all night, not have to worry about the trouble of waking up, have a ton of caffiene, and be a horrid wreck all day...

Regardless, when I get home at 3:30pm, homework, friends, and my g/f can all stay away from me for a good 4 hours as I get a nap in.

What should I do?

05-08-2002, 03:37 AM
Wake up... go to school... tell them you aren't ready to return yet *cough* *hack* and repeat till you can forge your way back home to your comfy bed.

05-08-2002, 03:39 AM
The thing is I really have to go to school... I'm failing Bio10 CP with a 55 or something ( 70 is passing ) and I only have about 12 days of school left to make it up...

But trust me I was considering that.

- edit: oh fuck it.. I'm just going to sleep now

05-08-2002, 03:41 AM
Well confront your teacher with this... tell him whereas youre very concerned with passing your class you just can't be productive and consider yourself a threat to your fellow students health.... from there arrange a way to make up what you'll miss.

05-08-2002, 03:42 AM
I already have arrangments... I'm allowed to stay afterschool a little bit...

But regardless is I must go to school tommorow or I will definately fail.. with every day I miss I have to make up a large sum of work and I'm already 2 days behind in all my classes and I need to make up my Biology.

Good night :(

05-08-2002, 03:47 AM
I say, pork your teacher for a good grade, it's the American way ;)
How else do you think these idiots of today got through school, not by their brainpower I can assure you :laughing:

Even if it is a guy so what :thumbsup:

I'm just teasing though, gnight man, sleep well :)

05-08-2002, 03:53 AM
Stay up.

Consume obscene amounts of caffeine and, if you smoke, nicotine.

You're pretty much past the point of no return now. Sleep will do you very little good, as you'll just end up waking up with an intense desire to immediately return to sleep (if you wake up on time at all).

05-08-2002, 03:56 AM
You did it for the same reason I used to.
You are simply insane.
Now that I don't have to worry about school I stay up to ungodly hours.

And as for advice; from experience I can say that staying up will make for a better school day. Just go to sleep when you get home.

05-08-2002, 03:59 AM
A sleep cycle is typically 4 hours. If you're already screwed out of at least that, then don't bother going to sleep. You'll never make it out of bed if you do, and end up sleeping all day.

If you can squeeze in 4 hours you should wake up fine and have a normal day, possibly with a headache perhaps if you aren't used to sleeping so little in one sitting, but that's no real biggie, and easily fixable with a drug of some sort.

05-08-2002, 04:16 AM
Fuck it. I tried going to sleep but i couldn't. I'm up all night.

Now I'm going to retrieve some generic Tops-brand Dr. Pepper... brb

05-08-2002, 04:52 AM
Well I've been a severe insomniac for the past 5-6 years so I have a good general knowledge about sleep deprivations and insomnia and conditions in general. I've also had the pleasure of several sleep studies as a guinea pig with no success.

Then again I got used to it after about 6 months after it started and prefer insomnia over regular sleep. Gives me a hell of a lot more time to do whatever I want ;)

I'd say on average I probably get about 4-5 hours of sleep a week, about 45 minutes to an hour a day perhaps. Which is probably why some of you see my name lit up on the boards and on AIM at any times of the day :thumbsup:

05-08-2002, 04:54 AM
That's really sad.... I need alot of sleep... I have no idea why I couldn't fall asleep tonight.

05-08-2002, 05:02 AM
Nah it's not sad at all. It was hell when it first started though, but I got used to it after a while and it's great now. There's really no way to deal with it so I just accepted it and use it to it's full advantage :)

It would be nice to know why, although I doubt I'll ever get an answer to that. I've never had anyone give me any real medical reasons why I am the way I am. But if I were to guess myself I'd say it was a psychological occurance based on my grandfather, whom I was very close to, passing away just before it all started. Oh well... as it is I love it and don't care to change or cure it ;)

05-08-2002, 05:09 AM
Originally posted by Hermit

I'd say on average I probably get about 4-5 hours of sleep a week, about 45 minutes to an hour a day perhaps.

Wow, that's incredible! Does your health suffer from this? How does your body cope?

05-08-2002, 05:22 AM
Only after I wake up do I feel the effects of it. I am basically drained and can't do much until my strength returns, which I usually spend sitting here posting at AG. It generally wears off after about 30-45 minutes or unless I eat something right after I wake ;)

Other than that I'm no different from anyone who sleeps regularly, although since I'm awake alot my body does tend to need more food than a normal person since I expend so much energy. I eat 4 meals a day usually (not including snacks and such whenever the urge hits) compared to the average 3 of most people. This is also countered by my having a high metabolism and being active which burns it up faster and keeps me from becoming fat, thankfully ;)

On a side note: It's a pity I was absent from these forums for about a year. I can't imagine what my average post count would look like had I never left for a while. As it is, these past few weeks I probably post somewhere around 30-40 a day, which isn't all that much based on the time I spend here. To give you an idea... yesterday when I left I had 1052 posts or something... as I post this today I have 1074 :thumbsup:

05-08-2002, 06:39 AM
Well I've stood awake all night... unless I decide to sleep for 21 minutes...

05-08-2002, 10:15 AM
Trust me, you'll thank yourself for doing it later ;)

You'll sleep like a baby tonight :thumbsup:

05-08-2002, 03:54 PM
Still going strong with no sleep.... I've been dared to see how long I can go without sleep... but screw that, 10:30PM tonight, I'm out :)