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View Full Version : Another two of those Really Old Bugs (tm)

05-06-2002, 01:01 PM
This bug dates all the way back to 1.90, maybe even 1.84; I'm not sure how old this is, but I DO remember experiencing it when I first played the BS1st quest, and wondered why the last screen didn't show up on the overworld map...:laughing:

Enter a new screen, and hold the opposite direction as you are entering, so as to immediately go back to the old screen.

Once back on the old screen, hit the map button to view the map. The new screen isn't there...

If you hold the map button as you go into a new screen, instead of backtracking immediately...then not only does the new screen not show up on the map even as you are in it :odd:, but it also cancels out any Guys on that screen (or at least fairies, as far as I've experimented).


This second bug I discovered a while back, and is probably in EVERY version of ZC :eek:, but I didn't feel like telling because it allowed one to cheat...but my conscience won't leave me alone about it, so here it is :D:

All you need to do to trigger this is call up the main ZC menu (hit Esc). Notice how the game screen's palette screws up as the menu appears, thus lighting up the whole screen for a fraction of a second?

Depending on the palettes used in that room, this bug could possibly provide enough light for you to get through an otherwise-pitch-black dungeon room if you couldn't use the candle for some reason...

This could be (hopefully) easily fixed by blanking out the game screen before the palette change, then bringing it back once the new colors are put in...