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View Full Version : Wtf?

04-30-2002, 02:22 AM
Sorry to post this here, but I posted a possible bug in the bug forum and Cloral closed it because it was in build 152... he said "Beta 152 bugs don't go here. Go to the custom quest contest and post it there. That said, I'm going to copy this over to the beta forum for further consideration." Now I hate to seem assenine, but isn't a bug in a publicly released version of the player still a bug? *points to the other 152 bug thread* It's still open... so for future reference should I just not post any bugs I find in the public betas (players or whatever it happens to be), or what? :confused: Well thanks for your time... *watches as this thread too, will be closed by a mod and moved to a forum he has no access to*

04-30-2002, 04:30 AM
Don't worry about it man.

Edit: I found the post you were talking about and that was pretty odd for a mod to do. Perhaps he didn't know the beta 152 was out? I don't know...

04-30-2002, 12:50 PM
Oh i'm not too worried about it. I was just wondering what happened. I assumed he didn't know 152 was out too, but I wasn't too sure. Not like I was angry (I was just having some fun with the *watches as this thread too* thing, in case you couldn't tell), I just thought it was wierd.