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View Full Version : New idea for a site, But ideas are needed...

04-29-2002, 02:29 AM
Basically, i'm considering making a criticism-based site with/regarding this kinda stuff;

~Artwork of most kinds~
~Writing of most kinds~
~Pretty much anything furry related~
~Almost any game SNES or older~

aka. pretty much anything except for typical porno paysites (the kind that flood EMail-boxes)

I'm probably gonna go through with this, but problem is, i need stuff to criticise.

Anyone got something they want me to review/rate, wether it be their own, or someone elses?

Or just something they want to show me?

If so, tell me in this thread.

(oh, and Menokh/AtmaWeapon, i apologise for my slowness when it comes to artwork. appearantly, my teachers ENJOY waiting till the end of the year to introduce large projects (i have to have one by may 8th, 2 on may 24th, a fitness test in may, and another project due before the end of the 2nd symester). nonetheless, i'll have them done soon, its all a matter of timing, and academic procrastination)

04-29-2002, 02:37 AM
Sounds good, but I have no clue what you could critisize(prolly because it's late at nite and need sleep..).

And about the artwork; no problem, I fully understand that school should come first. I can wait.