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View Full Version : Sad Return

04-28-2002, 03:25 PM
Hello again to AGN!

It's Travis, back again. Summer is coming soon, so I should have plenty of time to be active on the forums. I am really excited about coming back. I don't know how many of you guys out there remember me anyway, but I wanted to say hello anyway. I have one quest in the database (Zelda Hyruin) that is completed. I was also the starter of the "Bagels/English Muffins" post in the General Discussion board.

Anyway to all the people of AGN, I am glad to be back here. I want to say hi to all of my friends, or at least to the people that have even heard of me. I didnt make that big of an impression with everyone......

I was hoping to make a surprise appearance at the AGN Convention, but of course my parents didn't allow. "Maybe when you are 18, Travis." Figures that they would say that....

Hi JayeM!

Okay, well that was my rant. I hope to chat with you guys soon and I am thinking of doing a new quest anyway. I'll be around the forums so drop me a line if you want. I'm always willing to meet all the new, awesome people of AGN!


04-28-2002, 03:55 PM
dont seem to remember you...

04-28-2002, 03:59 PM
Well, at least you were honest. I was mainly an active member of the forums in the summer of 2001. It was then that I posted and created my quest. Thanks for replying anyway. Nice to meet you too.....


04-28-2002, 04:00 PM
I do remember you some. Welcome back. =)

04-28-2002, 04:01 PM
Hey Thanks Mottzilla,
I remembered seeing you around. Yeah, I didnt make a very big splash here at AGN that summer, but hopefully this summer may be different, lol


04-28-2002, 04:03 PM
Actually, this summer I might actually pickup Zquest and ZC again. I haven't really messed with them much since the first year I was here.

04-28-2002, 04:03 PM
well hiho mr man... Im Andy... just remember I am god and we will be cool! :laughing: :D

04-28-2002, 04:08 PM
Hey Trav! For those of you who don't remember or have joined since then, frostmaster's Zelda Hyruin was a really cool quest...you should try it.

Why sad, Travis?

04-28-2002, 04:11 PM
Gosh, I have been trying to contact you! How u doin? I'm okay. I am ready to come back to my family here at AGN again. I wanted to go to the AGN convention this year. Hey, maybe we can meet there sometime? LOL! I hope to chat with you soon, Jaye! PM me or email me at my yahoo address. I may be starting a new quest, I thought you would be interested.


04-28-2002, 06:27 PM
Hey, I remember you! Do you remember me?

I don't remember ever seeing your quest, could you post a link to it perhaps?

The Silent Assassin
04-28-2002, 06:31 PM
I remember your quest...and your avatar is familiar. I just don't remember any of your posts' content...that all.

04-28-2002, 07:25 PM
Hey hey Travis. Good to see ya 'round again. I actually remembered your real name when I saw your s/n. ;)

Always nice to see a familiar face come back around.

04-28-2002, 07:41 PM

Didn't you beta test "The Battle of Time"?

04-28-2002, 07:43 PM
Wow. I do actually remember you. You were fairly active last summer. Then you vanished around the time I got caught up in things outside the forums, so I didn't really notice... Glad to see you haven't forgotten the forums though.

04-28-2002, 07:51 PM
Welcome back, your dreams were your ticket out.
Welcome back to that same old place that you laughed about.
Well the names have all changed since you hung around,
But those dreams have remained and they’re turned around.

Who’d have thought they’d lead ya
(Who’d have thought they’d lead ya)
Here where we need ya
(Here where we need ya)
Yeah we tease him a lot cause we’ve hot him on the spot,
Welcome back,
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.

04-28-2002, 07:53 PM
Hey! I remember you!
Welcome back.
I really enjoyed your quest, it was fun.