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04-27-2002, 12:07 AM
I bought Ninja Gaiden II a month or two ago from EB Gameworld from their used NES game bin. It's the first Ninja Gaiden I have played and I was too scared of the first one to play it because of my cousin teasing me about Jason from Friday the 13th (thought he was in the game and...that's another story).

Its a really neat game with a unique feature of being able to cling to walls. There's enemies everywhere! They made games hard back then! They just keep coming and coming and reappear when you scroll the screen. The one enemy, which I will call Moby from Hell, flies at you and you have to duck just in time and then the Moby from Hell makes anothe pass at you! And there's blobs that cling to the walls. And what do they do, they shoot little stuff at you! Sometimes they jump back and forth! I was amazed at the blob's mobilty!

There's powerups everwhere, and they're needed to get rid of the enemies in some places. I haven't learned what each item does so I don't know what the hell I'm picking up, but I just usem as I go.

The interesting thing I found about the game when I was younger was the Shadow you can get that will duplicate your moves, though not exactly how I thought it would. I thought it was done by you attack then say, jumping away and your shadow repeats the same movement so you can get a extra hit in.

I made it up to level 2 my first time playing, but couldn't get to the boss. I played again tonight and got to the level 2 boss, which I will call Lord or the Spiders, or Spider Man, because guess what
he throws spiders at you for his attack! They start crawling everywhere and you can't go anywhere. And the wind from the level makes it difficulty. The wind will push your left or right making you jump wrong or move too close.
After a few game overs I got Spider Man's attack down and figured out I had to climb to the top of the wall to get him to come down from his ledge, then jump down and attack. Repeat. I almost beat the Lord of the Spiders earlier but time ran out just as I needed about one or two more hits on him.

Level 3 is cool with the lighting effect of darkening out the stage so you can't see your jump until lightning strikes and you can briefly see where everything is. Inside the castle is really hard. There's enemies going everywhere and throwing stuff at you with great accuracy. I haven't figured out the best way to fight the guy with the shield yet. I made it up to the boss but died and then quit after a couple of continues.

The cutscenes inbetween the stages are really a nice touch to the game. The graphics look good and help with the text that advances the story.

04-27-2002, 12:26 AM
I hope you've played the first one before, you'd get a better background of the story at hand. If I recall, the only new additions to NGII was the wall crawling and 1 or 2 new powerups.

As for your flying bad guy you call "Hell" or something... in some stages it's an eagle/bird of some kind, in other stages it's a bat.

It's a good game though, I still like the first one the best out of the 3 :)

04-27-2002, 12:29 AM
I thought you could climb on the sides of walls in Ninja Gaiden? Am I talking about something else? That was one of the things I remember about the game.

04-27-2002, 12:33 AM
Holy typo in my first post... fixes it in a sec...

In NG1 you could cling to walls, you couldn't climb them up and down like you can in 2-3, which made the game alot more difficult in some places.

The Silent Assassin
04-27-2002, 12:41 AM
I "had" Ninja Gaiden 2: The Dark Sword of Chaos. I sold it about 2 weeks ago for 20 bucks.

04-27-2002, 01:00 AM
Ninja Gai den rocks! I've played all the games to death. I beat the games in the order of II, I, III. I also played them in that order I believe. They were some of the best games at their time and still are. You have to actually be skilled at it to win, not just keep going and going like most games now.

Anyways, for the 3rd level with lightining, hit start and wait if you must and it will still light up the level and such, useful if you need to make a jump ASAP. And the part right after that has the Parasprinter music which is the best shit ever!

Ya so anyways, I have the Ninja Gai Den cart for NES and the Trilogy cart for Snes. I plan to get atleast the 2nd game cart for Nes sometime.

04-27-2002, 01:21 AM
You actually won NG1 without cheating. I can get to the guy at the end (I forget his name- Jaquio or something like that) but I just can't beat hime without cheating. When I got the rom I had to slow down the frame rate and keep saving/restoring the state just to win. The rest of it can be hard though unless you know the patterns of the enemies. I've only played a little of NG2. The wall climbing is actually in the first but you can't just press up or down to do it. You have to do a wierd flip to climb.

04-27-2002, 04:33 AM
Yes, jump off the wall and go right back to it and you can go up. Just beware when you get to the top you can fall into the wall. ;)

And I know the Ninja Gai Den games are very difficult the first several times through. But eventually you get the hang of it.

04-27-2002, 12:26 PM
ha. My brother got so good at that game that he can beat Jaquio with the sword alone. If you think Jaquio was hard, the big alien at the end was even harder. but we beat it without cheating. Ninja Gaiden is an awesome game, and NGII is a nice continuation. The level design though could use more work.

04-27-2002, 12:31 PM
haha look at Mottzilla and his leet spelling of Ninja Gaiden. :)

Yeah, it is the kind of the where you just have to keep playing it over and over to get better. There's a hell of a lot of enemies to fight though.

heh I don't need a pausing trick! I will play without it!

04-27-2002, 12:35 PM
I beat Ninja Gaiden II and III without cheating, but for the life of me I could never beat the first one without cheating. I dunno... I just didn't feel like going through all of Area 6 every time I died at the last boss. Like slothman, I finally was able to beat it after I could save state with an emulator.

The Area 3 boss of Ninja Gaiden II is easy to beat if you have two of the shadow guys following you. Just jump up on one of the ledges, jump up again so one of your shadow guys stays in position up there, and slash away.

04-27-2002, 12:54 PM
Ha ha! Ninja Gaiden forever! I owned only II at first but had rented the other two several times over. That series was and still is totally incredible. Great story, blended future and past, cool cutscenes, insane difficulty that (Most of the time) gave replay value without making you want to lodge your controller in the TV screen (MOST of the time...), and people actually DIED in this game! The power-up sustem rocked, and the music was beyond cool. I even know what the hero's name means... Ryu means Dragon and Hayabusa means... Uh, I can't spell it, but I know what it is- Pegrine (Or something close) Falcon. The story twist werern't even cookie cutter or anything, it was just a REALLY GOOD GAME SERIES! There was a website somewhere that had tons of info on the series, even about a Japanese movie based off the characters, but I don't remember where... :disgust:

Now if only we could see Ninja Gaiden Trilogy ported to the GBA... Ooh, that thought makes me so happy... :mega:

Do you get the impression that I enjoyed this game more than most?

The Silent Assassin
04-27-2002, 02:51 PM
Ah, save state isn't total cheating...you had to get to that point in the fist place. If you can get there, you should be able to start from there because you know you can get there again.

I consider cheating using codes to warp ahead, give you infinite lives or ammo, or using a cheat device like Game Genie or Game Shark.

04-27-2002, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by The Silent Assassin
Ah, save state isn't total cheating...you had to get to that point in the fist place. If you can get there, you should be able to start from there because you know you can get there again.

Well if your using save states to save the level your on that's one thing, but not to keep saving every 10seconds and reloading when you get hit or mess up.

In my programming class at school some people were playing Mega Man 6. Granted the game ran fairly slow on the old computers and they were using a keyboard, but they kept saving every 10secs while fighting a boss, then reloading when they got hit.

BTW, are there any stage select codes for Ninja Gaiden II? I'd like to play through the entire game in one sitting but dunno if I'll really take the time to do it after getting really far.

04-27-2002, 04:12 PM
It is actually Ninja Gai Den (Guy-den) not Gay-den. If it were Gayden they'd have spelled it Geiden I believe. And yes, there was some kind of horrible anime done. Atleast so I heard it was horrible.

04-27-2002, 04:23 PM
I only own Ninja Gaiden for the NES, and I've had the game for so many years, and every few years I'd pick it up again and wind up getting to a place farther than before. Then I'd get stuck and put the game down. Last I played the game, I got all the way to Jaquio, and you know, the fact you have to fight your way through area 6 just to fight him each time. Very frustrating. Eventually, one of these days, I'm gonna pull out my NES, hook it up to a TV other than the one in the Entertainment unit(because theres so many fucking wires behind that thing, and the power strip's sockets are all used) and play through about every NES game I own. Hopefully I'll be able to get somewhere in NG1.

I played NG2 a long time ago when I rented it. Never got very far into the third level. I played it a few times after that, but never got anywhere. Then the 8-bit era gave way to the 16-bit, and thats the last I played of NG2. I have never played NG3 at all.

04-27-2002, 10:34 PM
Out of curiosity, how the heck DO you beat the "Jumping dagger-throwing guy boss" in the first game?

04-28-2002, 04:36 PM
Hit him when he's landed on one side. Don't chase after him. I advice getting the windmill star too and alot of points. It's just for destroying his shots. If you have alot and alot of health, stand in the middle using the windmill star to get him, and his shots till you run out, then do your best to finish him off.

04-29-2002, 05:47 PM
Kairyu, I think the site you are looking for his here. (http://www.classicgaming.com/ninjagaiden/frames.html)

I have the Ninja Gaiden cart for my NES. It is without a doubt the kewlest platform game for the NES (besides Zelda and Mario Bros. 3):grad: I love the music and the impossible odds of the game. The farthest I got was the Mine Run level (Oh GOD I love that music...:kawaii: ) and I always died at the twin hopping ogre thingys. I like how Foster from NG1 comes back in NG2. The boss that was really hard though was the cloud stage boss, the one that kept hopping around and shooting a wall of bullets. I had to get his pattern just right to beat him. My favorite powerup is the wall of fire and the boomerang thingy.