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View Full Version : Problem with custom quest

04-26-2002, 02:53 AM
Last night, I have been trying to create a tutorial custom quest (following the directions of the ebook tutorial) and while I was in Zquest everything was working fine. So I finished the first section (with the cave) and went happily to ZC 190 to test it. When I selected the file, it said "error, not a custom quest". What does that mean ??? The quest opens through ZQuest, and I have renamed it a dozen times to make it work BUT NO CIGAR.

Any suggestions???? I have read the thread about corrupted quests, but I am not sure if that is what happened to me.

I am using ZC 190 and the ZQuest that comes with that.

Forgot to add that prior to the tutorial, I had made another quest, using example BS1.qst and that played fine in ZC.

:confused: :confused:

04-26-2002, 03:02 AM
The quest number in the header was probably not 0. 1,2, and 3 mean the official quests that come with it. 0 means custom.

04-26-2002, 09:35 AM
Yes, the quest number is a big culprit. Check it. :)

I'm still prodding DN about doing something useful with that thing...


06-21-2007, 12:29 AM
I am also having trouble trying to test my tutorial quest that I designed with help from alphadawg's tutorial. When I go into zelda classic v2.10w, I select tutorial.qst (the name I gave to the quest I designed in zquest) and when I start a new game I just start out in a new quest. SO what AM I supposed to do to test my quest? m I in the right version of zquest?

06-21-2007, 12:38 AM
First of all, you should have made a new thread for this, just BTW, this thread is ages old. Second, you did the following: On the save screen, hit A and registered a new name, than hit A again, hit A again(I think), hit load, selected tutorial.qst, hit enter? If you did all that, I don't know whats up.

(Dude, how did you even find this topic? It's from 2002. It must have been on like page 50, or something)