View Full Version : EBay. . . . . . . . . . .

Leon S. Kennedy
04-25-2002, 09:29 PM
I have just singed up for EBay and i have acouple of bids going that i about to get soon. . . . and they said use Money Order (MO), they said you can get it anywhere, problem is I have no :confused: clue :confused: what the heck a MO is and I dont know where I can get one . . . . . So can someone help me out and tell me how to use them? ? ?. . . . . . . . .

Thanks! ! !

04-25-2002, 09:31 PM
You can get them at the bank or post office.

Leon S. Kennedy
04-25-2002, 09:38 PM
When I get it what do i do whit it. . . . . do they take the money ? Do I get a card or something ? ? ? ?

04-25-2002, 09:42 PM
Basicly its the equvalent of sending cash. You go to the nearest gas station, bank, grocery store, or post office (I'm sure there's probally a few others as well) and tell them you want a money order for whatever the amount is. They will charge anywhere from $.50 to $2 for it. They will give you what looks like a check. Fill out the info and sign it. But be careful!!! Most money orders have little or no sercurty. That person can cash the money order without being traced. Meaning they can take your money and send you nothing. Make sure you check that seller's comments. BTY if you can get American Express money orders, they are the only ones I know of that are fully traceable.

Leon S. Kennedy
04-25-2002, 09:50 PM
Do I keep the Check thing or do i put his/her address on the MO, they keep it, send it to them, and keep my Money i gave them for the MO ? ? . . . .

04-25-2002, 09:58 PM
Lets say you won the auction and have to pay $35. You give the store $35 for the money order + their fee ($.50 to $2.). They give you the money order (it looks like a check). You fill out the "pay to the order of" section of it and sign it. The $$ amount is printed right on the MO. They usually have a little stub that you rip off and keep. Its your recipt. Stuff the MO into an envelope and mail it.

Leon S. Kennedy
04-25-2002, 10:06 PM
OK i think I get it now . . . . . . . . . Thanks!

The Silent Assassin
04-25-2002, 11:45 PM
It's a green piece of paper. Looks like a check. It's basically cash. You need cash or a debit card to obtain one. It's .90 cents for the fee.

You fill it out like a check...except the amount is already on there. Keep the receipt part (you can tear it off).

You can only get US Money Orders from the Post Office, a Bank, or 7-11 during regular day hours. After midnight, you can no longer obtain them until regular hours resume the next day.

International Money Orders can only be obtained from Branch Post Offices, like in Austin, I have to go to the capitol USPS. You can get them to Europe, Canada, Mexico, Japan, and I think some other Asian countries.

Leon S. Kennedy
04-26-2002, 08:29 AM
Oh . . . . Thanks. . . . but I went to the 7-11 and they didnt sell one to me . . . . . . . . . . .LOL:laughing:

04-26-2002, 05:25 PM
I can get them 24 hours a day a CVS here. LOL!