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04-25-2002, 11:17 AM
Who are your top 5 video game characters and why?

1. Squall Leonhart

I relate to him so much at times. I'm sometimes pretty cold hearted and just seem to be apathetic about everything...But a lot of times I'm the extreme opposite.

2. Mario

Mario just kicks butt. :kawaii:

3. Mega Man

Who wouldn't want an arm that converted into a blaster? :mega:

4. Solid Snake

Bad Ass 'nuff said.

5. Tidus

This guy is like the other side of me, except that I'm not a professional athlete...just loud and dorky.

The Silent Assassin
04-25-2002, 11:23 AM
Sephiroth - I think he was the coolest looking villian.
Solid Snake - The coolest looking hero, and coolest attitude.
Link - Though he says jack shit, the cartoon incarnation is pimpin.
Zero - X who? Laser Swords and Red Metallic plating are in.



Karma, Bitch.

04-25-2002, 11:34 AM
1. Nall. Come on, he's a flying kitty, what more do you want?

2. Locke. Locke is just cool. I don't know why.

3.Ghaleon. Best. Villain. Ever.

4. X. Zero who? Dorky red 'bots that look like a girl are out.

5. Samus. She has a huge suit of "chozo" armor, missles, and a really big gun.

04-25-2002, 11:41 AM
Link - He's my favorite video game character over Mario. He's like a knight/adventurer. He's always a youth, and he cannot grow old, or it would not fit his character. He is the hero of Hyrule. Link fights alone against the monsters of Ganon, and the evil king of evil himself with nothing but his wits and courage. Those pictures of him in the Zelda 2 manual make him look very determined and conifident on his journey through Hyrule.

Mario - After Link, Mario is my next favorite video game character. I liked him since Super Mario Bros. and was estatic when he started talking in Super Mario 64. Gotta love Mario. He always has to fight Bowser and save the princess. He uses many different power ups that are all fun to use. The Fire Flower is especially wanted in Super Mario Bros.

Mega Man - The Blue Bomber. He can jump and shoot. Stand and shoot. Gain the powers of the Robot Masters, and call upon Rush for help. Mega Man X is also cool because he's just like Mega Man but more advanced and serious, and a lot more powerful.

Samus Aran - She's really cool. Her suit lets her carry many different weapons and have many abilities such as the screw attack.

Ganon(dorf) - The man before he became the beast of hatred. He is evil. The one part where he chases after Zelda and Imap and the entire last part of Ocarina of Time were awesome. The final foe of most Zelda games is Ganon, and by the time I get to the end I usually work myself up so I really care about beating him, because you know, he's so evil and all. And I'm not gonna let him take over Hyrule!

04-25-2002, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by Mak-X
many abilities such as the screw attack.

Am I the only one who thinks the phrase "screw attack" sounds dirty?

The Silent Assassin
04-25-2002, 11:47 AM
Screw you :blah:

04-25-2002, 01:00 PM
:lol: :lol: One each for you, fellas...

*ahem* Anyway...here are my five favorites, in no particular order:

Tidus, Final Fantasy X...
- Who'd'a thunk it? A Final Fantasy hero with a day job...

Solid Snake, Metal Gear Solid 2.
- Give him the ability to fly, and he'd be the perfect super-hero.

Nakoruru, Samurai Spirits series/Capcom vs. SNK 2.
- She's quick, deadly, and has that wicked hawk.

Nash, Lunar: Silver Star (Story).
- Thunder magic + strange pimping tendencies = coolness.

Mega Man, Legends series
- Finally, the Blue Bomber gets a chance to speak! Oh...and the weapons are just as cool as the ones he gets in the regular series (1-8).

04-25-2002, 01:14 PM
Mario... hes just a classic

Samus... probiby hot under that suit...

Link... thats why most of us are here

Verboom... A charicter i made for a simple 3d game i programed

Kirby... gota get him up here

04-25-2002, 01:39 PM
Cloud- he's sort of like me!
Gir- if there was an invader zim game......
Link- well der....
paddle no. 1- you know the one player paddle in pong?
Samus Aran- she can use the "screw attack" on me anytime.:D

04-25-2002, 01:48 PM
Link (duh)

Mario: Oh come on, you've got to like Mario!

Ryu(streetfighter): the world warrior, marvellous!

Conker the squirrel: A role model for everyone:D

Earthworm Jim: cos he's cool

04-25-2002, 02:45 PM
id have to say my top 5 game people would be.....

zero. hes got a cool laser sword and a blaster in his arm. what else is there to talk about?

aeris. cause shes :kawaii:!

mega man from the legends series. the gadgets. duh. :blah:

zeratul. invisible. psi-blade. bad ass. nuf said. :kawaii:

sephiroth. the sword is so cool! :kawaii:

04-25-2002, 10:53 PM
Dracula (obviously)
Simon Belmont
Samus Aran

I have many more, though...

04-26-2002, 01:07 AM

1) Cloud (how could u NOT like him???)
2) Ness: He's my role model! i wanna beat up bad aliens with a baseball bat to!!!
3) Link: Well cuz he's Link!!
4) Ark and Will : Both of these guys kicked serious arse in their games and both had awesome personalities
5) Mr Saturn: I only wish i had a nose like that... :p

04-26-2002, 07:23 AM
1. Conker from Conker's BFD
One of the few main characters I can tolerate, and he's funny

2. Garret from Thief: The Dark Project
He's in it for the money, that's how I'd think.

3. SHODAN from System Shock
Evil, 'nuff said.

4. Kefka from Final Fantasy 3(US)
Evil and funny. "Son of a submariner!"

5. Solid Snake from MGS

04-26-2002, 07:28 AM
1. sephiroth

2. samus

3. solid snake

4. link

5. sabin

04-26-2002, 09:58 AM
Dang it. Does it have to just be 5? Oh well, I'll submit.

1) Link
2) Mario
3) DK (All of the Kongs rock.)
4) Kirby
5) Mega Man

I also had another one that I thought nobody would think of, but I forgot what it was. Oh well.

04-26-2002, 05:22 PM
hmm... hard desicion

1. Mario - All time favorite

2. Benjamin(sp?) - I just love Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

3. Link - Zelda Games ROCK

4. Kirby - Isn't he so cute !?!?!?!?!?!?!?

5. Samus - hehe screw attack

6-10. Would have to be charecters from Chrono Trigger

Then my least favorite is:

1. Luigi - The gayest of them all

I just don't like luigi, he is such a gay lord in Luigi's Mansion

I might have forgotten about some charecters which I like ... :sigh: Oh well

04-26-2002, 06:35 PM
1) X, upgrades!:drool:
2) Link, nice hat and good dancer (see Zelda 3 Jap. Commercial!)
3) Cloud, cool hair
4) Yuffie, so kew!
5) Kirby, cute and dangerous