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View Full Version : Final Fantasy X = crack :D

04-25-2002, 12:00 AM
I just started playing it on Sunday. My parents came up for the weekend and brought me one of those 8mb memory cards (my mom works at shopko so I had her get it for me at a discount), since the POS-"I will never buy another Interact product again"-Mega Memory 16mb card didn't support it (Interact sucks!! grr)..

Anyways, I am addicted to that game :D It's awesome.. I have been playing it constantly, and I'm at that Lightning Plane part right now..

I love the battle and leveling system.. I think that is Square's best idea yet.. even though you can only have three ppl on the field at a time, the fact that you can swap them in and out of battle (essentially being able to use everyone in a battle if you wanted) eliminates the need to keep rotating your party so that everyone gets experience.. at least in the conventional sense (i.e. - you don't have to keep running back to a save spot to switch party members, level them up, and then switch back to the other members.. essentially screwing the members you don't use as much). I also like the fact that they eliminated Experience, and it's all based on AP for the Sphere Grid.. It's cool that you can make characters learn other characters' spells and stuff :D I am currently moving that one blue guy all over the place.. he has all of Lulu's level 1 magic spells, Wakka's Dark attack, and I am heading him over to Rikku's Steal section :D haha.. he is going to be cool (esp. since he doesn't really seem to get any other abilities on his sphere grid other than Lance and Jinx, prob. since he can learn Blue Magic).. Lulu already has her level 2 magic (Fira, etc.), and Yuna is freaking lagging behind.. I don't know, maybe I don't use her enough.. she has no attack power whatsoever, although she is great as a healer and I suppose summoner (although I don't use summons much except on bosses). I dunno.. she doesn't have Cura yet tho.. grr..

hmm.. anyways, so that is cool :D hehe.. about weapons and armor, am I correct in believing that essentially it is all the same? That's the way it seems.. that basically it's all the same but they have different bonuses on them. Although some weapons seem to be upgradable like Tidus has the red sword, the water sword, and I think something near the end.. I dunno..

Blitzball is cool.. I hated it at first b/c I didn't get it, but I am getting the hang of it now and my team doesn't suck as much.. I can pretty much beat all of the other teams (some very easily.. I beat one 6-0 once in a tourney :D).. I recruited this one chick, Mia or Myia or something, who is an awesome goalie :D hehe.. She has a CA of about 16, and she has that Super Goalie ability, which makes it variable between about 16-25 or so. So it can get pretty high (considering most of the players are around level 10 right now). Anyways, she is pretty good, and she even has good Attack and Endurance, but her PA SUCKS! It's friggin' 2!!! TWO!!! And it never goes up when she levels up!! argg!! So that is worthless, which makes her fairly worthless as a forward.. hehe.. oh well.. The hiring thing is kind of weird tho.. her contract ran out, and I tried to renew it, but I renewed it for too long and didn't have enough money, so I almost lost her! ack! Luckly she wasn't too far back so I just ran back and re-recruited her :D Does anyone know how to improve the Scout level? I'm still a level 1 scout, so I can't figure anything out about these ppl.. the only reason I knew to hire her, was b/c Square's Playonline guide said she was good :D hehe.. I read that Biggs and Wedge are good too.. I wish I could get back to Luca and recruit them :D Oh well, wait for the airship I guess..

Anyways, the game is really cool :D It's friggin' addicting tho.. It is forcing me to skip tv shows b/c it's so addicting.. hehe.. also because it has those loooooooooooooooooooooong intervals of cutscenes and other scenes in between save spheres, which make it hard to save and quit when you want to.

The Silent Assassin
04-25-2002, 12:15 AM
Enter TSA.

150 hours worth of game time logged in.

100-0 with my "real" Blitzball team.

Defeated every enemy, and finished the "monster capture" subquest and defeated Nemesis, the ultimate boss. Upon defeating it, I got an item "Mark of Conquest" saying I was "Master of FF X".

I have all the ultimate weapons. But fuck them, I spent time gathering Dark Matter to get Break Damage Limit ability on a customized weapon for each character, and I made custom "ultimate" weapons for every one of my characters that are better than the Ultimate Weapons.

I have 35,000+ HP for at least every character, and maxed out all other attributes.

I have complete the Sphere Grid with ever character, used Clear Nodes to clear it, and am collected HP sphere to max out HP for every character at 99.999.

All my characters deal 99.999 damage, not matter the enemy. Even when I am "ambushed", I still go first because my speed is so high. I barely am hit, except by magic spells due to maxed evasion.

I am currently trying to max out my GIL, and then I am going to finish the HP maxxing, and then I will try to max out all my Blitzball players at Lvl 99 and learn all the techs for all my players.

Then I will be done.

04-25-2002, 12:33 AM
lol.. that would be cool :D

04-25-2002, 12:36 AM
Hah... and you doubted. FFX is a great game indeed. I need to pick up and play it some more. Finally beat that Chocobo Catcher mini game with an end time of 0:0.0, which took me quite a while.

And the grid system is awesome. Probably the best character building system for an FF game since FFVII.

04-25-2002, 12:45 AM
Damn you all for owning a PS2!
I would love to play this game. All this talk about it makes me jealuos.
Oh well, I guess it's more proof that I need a job. :eyebrow:

The Silent Assassin
04-25-2002, 01:09 AM
The sad thing is everything I've done...if you played 24 hours a day...could be done in a week. It's taken me since January 1st to do all this.

04-25-2002, 01:26 AM
Originally posted by The Silent Assassin
The sad thing is everything I've done...if you played 24 hours a day...could be done in a week. It's taken me since January 1st to do all this.

Well it would seem as though you have a life. Well I hope you do, you go to college afterall.

04-25-2002, 01:42 AM
Originally posted by Menokh

Well it would seem as though you have a life. Well I hope you do, you go to college afterall.

You can go to college and still not have a life. Look at me!

04-25-2002, 02:11 AM
Oh, I forgot to mention my favorite part..

Clasko is Tenchi!!!! w00t!!
(although it's not as noticable as when they had Mega Man voiced by Sailor Jupitor in MM Legends 2!!!! She doesn't even SOUND like a guy!!)

The Silent Assassin
04-25-2002, 10:37 AM
You mean Braska, one of the Maestra's of Yevon?

04-25-2002, 01:01 PM
No, I mean Clasko, just about the only male member of the Chocobo Knights :D

He is voiced by the same voice actor as Tenchi on Tenchi Muyo! :D

04-25-2002, 01:03 PM
Actually there are alot of familiar voices in FFX.

Belgamine = Terry's black girl friend in "Batman Beyond" cartoons (forgot her name in the show, Max Gibson ?)

Summoner Isaac ? (forgot his name... the one who's 2 brothers travel around with him, I know his name starts with an 'I' and has 2 A's in it :cry: ) = Raiden from MGS2, in a deeper voice than that of MGS2

Cid = Michael McShane (Friar Tuck from RH: Prince of Thieves, Scientist in Richie Rich, etc.)

Those are just a few of the obvious ones I picked up right off when I first played it. I'm sure there are more ;)

04-25-2002, 01:10 PM
Final Fantasy X is evil. Square is evil. Sure, you're probably thinking, "It's just ONE Final Fantasy X, what's so wrong about that?" That's what you think. But soon you'll try ANOTHER Final Fantasy X, then you'll try Final Fantasy XI, and you'll CLAIM you can quit, but that's not true, and you'll keep playing Squaresoft's evil demon seed, spiraling down into a pit of bad gameplay and horrib;le plot, and eventually, you'll start to think of FF as a benchmark for other RPGs, and that's when you know you're truly lost... and in the end, you will be a broken shell of your former gaming self, and before you die, you'll say, "Why didn't I listen to DDX? Why didn't I play Lunar instead...?"

The Silent Assassin
04-25-2002, 01:45 PM
Stop rambling before I start calling you DDR instead of DDX.

04-25-2002, 01:54 PM
one letter. two words. I HATE BLITZBALL.

04-27-2002, 01:27 AM
Originally posted by Warlock
No, I mean Clasko, just about the only male member of the Chocobo Knights :D

He is voiced by the same voice actor as Tenchi on Tenchi Muyo! :D

Eh? Did someone say TENCHI?!?!?!? ^_^

04-27-2002, 10:34 AM
hehe.. yeah, I told Tenchi to become a Pokemon Breeder... err.. well I told Clasko to become a Chocobo Breeder :D hehe.. same difference :D

04-27-2002, 11:35 AM
Nice to see you've come to your senses Mr.-"I'll-Never-Touch-Another-Final-Fantasy-ever-Again!"

04-27-2002, 04:45 PM
Who me? I agree I was wrong about thinking the game was going to be bad originally, but I never said I wouldn't touch another FF again..