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View Full Version : Idea for a quest

04-22-2002, 09:28 PM
You start out with 16 Heart Containers, have nearly every weapon/item, and a lot of Magic. Extremely nonlinear, and has eight dungeons of about equal difficulty (hard :) ) The final dungeon is EXTREMELY long- and hard!

Whaddya think? I'm planning on making episode 2 of The Tygore Chronicles just that.

04-22-2002, 09:39 PM
Sounds interesting.

04-22-2002, 09:56 PM
Hey it never hurts to try give it a shot.

:D Subrosians all the way!!!:D

04-23-2002, 09:46 AM
Seems to be hard right?
Well sure that would be cool!

04-23-2002, 10:31 AM
Hmmm... ok, a non-linear game where you start with practically everything. Only problem is that if it is going to be hard that would limit your enemy usage somewhat, because the red and blue octorocks, moblins, and goriyas aren't that difficult. And the keese, the zols, and the gels are too easy. If you are going to do this then maybe you should try starting the player with the weakest items if there are more then one of the item, example wooden sword, magic shield, or no shield, blue candle, wooden boomerang. Sounds interesting.

04-23-2002, 12:45 PM
Sounds kind of bass ackwards to me.

But don't let that stop you.

EDIT: I do love your use of the word non-linear though. That's my favorite type of quest.


J.J. Maxx
04-23-2002, 12:47 PM
Too bad we can't make a quest where you start out with everything and you have to go around and give everything back. Instead of picking up items you drop them. *lol*

04-23-2002, 12:51 PM
I think it's a great idea.

04-23-2002, 04:35 PM
Originally posted by MagmaLord
Hmmm... ok, a non-linear game where you start with practically everything. Only problem is that if it is going to be hard that would limit your enemy usage somewhat, because the red and blue octorocks, moblins, and goriyas aren't that difficult. And the keese, the zols, and the gels are too easy. If you are going to do this then maybe you should try starting the player with the weakest items if there are more then one of the item, example wooden sword, magic shield, or no shield, blue candle, wooden boomerang. Sounds interesting. Actually, with the right room conditions, kesse can be VERY difficult...:evil:

04-23-2002, 05:59 PM

04-23-2002, 08:00 PM
Pits. Floor spikes. Conveyor combos. Fire-shooting statues.

Is that enough? Because I can keep going.

04-23-2002, 10:02 PM
I get the point:D

unless you have a fire boomerang and the magic or mirror sheild.:D

04-23-2002, 10:44 PM
Now JJMax has an idea there! Too bad it's really not doable even on a smaller scale using the bait.


04-25-2002, 06:51 AM
Well... you also can try to make the dungeon sytem very very hard and confusing..

And use ultra hard puzzles!!

04-25-2002, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by K-Teclis
Well... you also can try to make the dungeon sytem very very hard and confusing..

And use ultra hard puzzles!!

As best as puzzles can be used in ZC; as best asI can, anyway.

BTW, this is going to be episode 2 in the Tygore Chronicles (The Subrosian War) and will feature two (possibly 3) overworlds.

So, how'm I doin' so far?

04-25-2002, 09:45 PM
Losing Items (http://boards.armageddongames.com/showthread.php?threadid=52420)
Here is the thread I posted way back about MY Idea for losing items. Seems maybe I can put this here so you could see my idea/use for such a tool.

04-27-2002, 06:55 AM
I'd use that loosing item with item-bubble and bubbles (and I will do that!!)