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View Full Version : need help with wrighting

04-19-2002, 05:45 PM
well im changing everything so.

i would like to change the wrighting in my quest to.

like the wrighting triforce, life, and stuff like that.

why call it a triforce when its not any moree.lol

thx for all the help=]

04-19-2002, 08:29 PM
You can't change that text. Sad, isn't it?

What I did is I made the color for that text the same as the subscreen color, and it is no longer visible. Then I made the word 'crystals' appear on the triforce frame. That's about the best you can do at the moment.

04-19-2002, 11:19 PM

yeah that is sad=[[[

and the sound's you can't change, i hate that to=[

oh well=]

at lest you can have your own music=]

how did you change the color of the text?

thx man im stell a newibe=/.lol

but my quest is looking better every day;]
with every bodys help=]
looks better than the pic got of my quest=]
down there.

yep it's going to be vary cool dbz game=]


well i guess im not so much of a newbie after all.lol

i went in there and found it less then 30.sec's.lol

you guys must be rubing off on me;]

thx anyway.lol

im sure i'll be a acting like a newbie again.lol

thx for all the help=]