View Full Version : Bill Gates To Testify....

04-19-2002, 04:08 PM
Mr. Gates is going on the stand....
Quite interesting actully since its his first time in this court case...

read bout it here:


I personally don't think the government should split up microsoft or even have anything to do with it...People don't HAVE to buy windows computers....shell out more for a MAC or less fer a linux box if you want...Its not a "true" monopoly...

Now The gas companies on the other hand...THOSE BASTARDS...
why is it that every weekend the gas prices in every gas station jump up to the exact same price...(about 10cents a litre more then during the week)...Goddamn gas companies are pulling the strings...If a gas station tries to sell gas for a cheaper price (68cents a litre instead of 73 lets say) they get "black balled"

Now I dunno if you staties are like this, but here in Canada it sucks...Sigh, where some beaver when you need it....

04-19-2002, 04:31 PM
Microsoft executives behaved like children, and singled out Gates.

Those evil executives!!!

They just have trouble understanding Bill's 'master plan'

04-19-2002, 04:32 PM
uh, right. ummmm(say something witty)....CHEESE! (no! thats not witty! try again!).....uh...:kawaii: !(i give up....:sweat: ) :kawaii:

04-19-2002, 05:12 PM
Well, unfortunately, Microsoft does have a monopoly among non-computer geeks. The fact is, the average person today is fairly clueless when it comes to PCs, and they're just not going to deal with the hassle of choosing what they want, but rather rely on a salesperson who is going to direct them to a Windows PC, or a family who is going to direct them to a windows PC.

04-19-2002, 05:16 PM
well that just goes to show how many idiots there are in this world. :kawaii:

04-19-2002, 05:21 PM
Mrz, I'm not sure what your recent obsession with CHEESE is, but its similar to the Tonberry thing; and borderline spam as I've seen it multiple times... just giving you a little heads up ;)

04-19-2002, 05:36 PM
I have no reason to use any operating system other than Windows. All the software I'd want to use is for Windows, such as games and game programming related development tools. (which is cased by the monopoly because everything is for Windows) I have no use for a Mac and don't know why I would need Linux. Its not the same as the video game consoles, everything on PCs is for Windows.

J.J. Maxx
04-19-2002, 05:44 PM
I think when he's up on the stand the judge should smooooosh him with a a large mallet. :thumbsup:

04-19-2002, 05:49 PM
Mrz, I'm not sure what your recent obsession with CHEESE is, but its similar to the Tonberry thing; and borderline spam as I've seen it multiple times... just giving you a little heads up

sumimasen toolie-san! :kawaii:

I think when he's up on the stand the judge should smooooosh him with a a large mallet.

ive solved ALMOST every problem in my life with a large mallet. why shouldnt everyone else?:kawaii:

CHEESE! :kawaii:

04-19-2002, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Mak-X
I have no reason to use any operating system other than Windows. All the software I'd want to use is for Windows, such as games and game programming related development tools. (which is cased by the monopoly because everything is for Windows) I have no use for a Mac and don't know why I would need Linux. Its not the same as the video game consoles, everything on PCs is for Windows.

Exactly.. the day they make an OS that is NOT Windows yet runs Windows programs and doesn't crash, I'll buy it.. of course with Gates monopolizing everything, that won't happen..

04-19-2002, 06:25 PM
well WL, the only things cant get his hands on are: your flying sheep, AGN, webconics, and cheese . and lets not forget the most important thing he cant get: :kawaii: ! :pimp:

04-19-2002, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by Warlock
Exactly.. the day they make an OS that is NOT Windows yet runs Windows programs and doesn't crash, I'll buy it.. of course with Gates monopolizing everything, that won't happen..
They did. It was called OS/2. Unfortunately Microsoft's monopoly didn't allow it to make much money so IBM canned it. Even Warp from 1990 or so is probably smoother that NT.

04-19-2002, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by Warlock

Exactly.. the day they make an OS that is NOT Windows yet runs Windows programs and doesn't crash, I'll buy it.. of course with Gates monopolizing everything, that won't happen..

Lindows (www.lindows.com). Due out in June or July.
Also Mandrake Linux(Red Hat wil work too, so will Debian) running WineX (www.transgaming.com) will run many DirectX games at full speed. In fact I use it to play starcraft, and Sim City 2000, and I am thinking about buying the Sims.

04-19-2002, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Menokh
Lindows (www.lindows.com). Due out in June or July.
Also Mandrake Linux(Red Hat wil work too, so will Debian) running WineX (www.transgaming.com) will run many DirectX games at full speed. In fact I use it to play starcraft, and Sim City 2000, and I am thinking about buying the Sims.

Shoot, you beat me to it Menohk! :D btw, how well does Starcraft run on it? I'm wondering if the Brood War expansion works? I don't see why it wouldn't...

04-19-2002, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by vegeta1215

Shoot, you beat me to it Menohk! :D btw, how well does Starcraft run on it? I'm wondering if the Brood War expansion works? I don't see why it wouldn't...

Starcraft runs. But I haven't installed the brood wars expansion yet. I think I'll try that later tonight.