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04-19-2002, 04:03 PM
Are you a candidate for Windows Anonymous? Click the url and check out the "Is Windows Anonymous for You?" part:


My friend sent me this link and I think it's great. Not only does it point out lots of cool and true stuff (espcially the banners at the bottom of the pages like "Why Crash? Use Linux" etc...), but they have some great links to Linux Newbie sites.

LOL, I sent this to my bro, he was like "I answered 'Yes' to all the questions". I shall convert him soon enough :D

04-19-2002, 04:14 PM
Did you ever try to stop using Microsoft Windows and fail? lol

I actually installed FreeBSD just to make my ME-using roommates feel that much more pathetic. :evil:

04-19-2002, 04:34 PM
I bookmarked the link.
Don't know if I'll do anything with it, but it's there if I need it.
I'm interested in Linux, but new things scare me.:scared:

04-19-2002, 04:39 PM
1)Are you running Microsoft Windows on your home computer?


2)Do you believe it normal to have to reboot after every installation of software?

I don't have to :blah:

3)Does your Microsoft Windows computer have a tendency to crash without cause, reason, or justification?

When doesn't it, even the great XP has crashed 3 time, in a row!

4)Do you believe that Microsoft products represent the best software that the world has to offer?

Thrid party programs rock! - EG - VoptME - A very fast windows defragger

5)Do you find yourself deleting files twice, in order to finally be rid of them?

Only when I want to

6)Have you seen the following message three times in one day, if not more?

"This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down immediately."

Yes, yes, and yes, but only at school....

7)Did you ever try to stop using Microsoft Windows and fail?

Never tried...

8)Do you believe that the problems that you have experienced with computers is due to a weakness in yourself, rather than a flawed operating system?

The OS sucks at times, other wise it is poorly explained :D

9)Have you ever irretrievably lost work, during a typical Microsoft Windows crash?

Let me count the times...

04-19-2002, 05:06 PM
Ya know, with this test, I might've answered in ways that go against Windows if I had been using a previous release (Win98, crashed and restarted all the time, and WinME which froze up because of its inability to manage memory), however XP has proven remarkably stable compared to the previous versions I've used. The only complaints I've had with XP is the incompatibility it has with some older programs.

Of course, I haven't been using XP for more than 2 months by now, so it might just be I have yet to really put XP under heavy use that might make it show its failures. I know WinME seemed to work fine until 3 months after first using it, and it suddenly got pretty flaky.

04-19-2002, 05:08 PM
I think my XP crashed cos my PC is crap, It's an old Celeron 400 so I don't expect much from it, + I only have 4gig HDD...

04-19-2002, 06:01 PM
It's kind of funny, but my windows has never crashed. :tongue:

04-19-2002, 06:46 PM
I was using Xp at one time, but I had a few anoying problems with it. It would crash, MS programs crashed, XP froze on me a few times, and even blue screened once. Hell even NotePad crashed. I also didn't like the 'activation' so I cracked it.....
Windows XP - Tomarrow's bugs, today!

I now dual boot between Windows ME and Linux. I use Linux most of the time, and reboot into windows for Zelda Classic(which is one of my only games that doesn't work in Linux). Once(if?) DN makes a Linux port of ZC, Windows is going down the drain. The great thing about Linux is that when a program crashes you can close it and go on with your work without rebooting; and software installations are usable without a reboot.
And contrary to popular belief Linux has drivers for most common hardware, in fact the only thing that doesn't work in Linux(for me) is my printer(a Lexmark Z12).

04-19-2002, 07:31 PM
Originally posted by obi
I think my XP crashed cos my PC is crap, It's an old Celeron 400 so I don't expect much from it, + I only have 4gig HDD...

I originally thought Celeron's were pieces of crap, but they are just like the Pentium line of processors, just less cache (the super fast costly memory in your computer)

I only got a K6-2, but Linux runs super sweet on my computer. My friend told me it'd run even faster with more RAM, so as soon as I get some cash I'm going to put another 256megs in here making a total of 512megs of RAM (next time I buy a whole new computer, I'm gonna get a gig of RAM! :D)

Originally posted by Menokh
I now dual boot between Windows ME and Linux. I use Linux most of the time, and reboot into windows for Zelda Classic(which is one of my only games that doesn't work in Linux). Once(if?) DN makes a Linux port of ZC, Windows is going down the drain.

Amen to that! I can't wait for the day. I'm having ZC withdrawal actually. I went to our school labs and downloaded 1.90 and started playing the demo quest, I got farther than I ever had! I almost beat level 1! :)

You ever heard of WineX? It's a program based on wine that plays PC games on Linux. A ton of games are compatible with it, and Starcraft is supposubly super compatible :D check it out:

And here's a list of games that work with it and their compatibility rating:

04-19-2002, 07:46 PM
Yeh, I've heard of WineX, I have it installed, and plan on keeping up to date via CVS, and downloading RPMs as they are released.
My friend payed the 3 month subscription so both me and him can download the rpms whenever we want.

starcraft does work quite well. I haven't tested out battlenet yet, though; I don't really enjoy bnet.