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04-18-2002, 11:58 PM
Someone mentioned this before (forget who), but I found the official press release on it:

Interesting it mentions "Nintendo Classic Characters" (which would be Mario, Link, DK, etc) and "New Nintendo Characters" (they example Pikmin).

They pretty much have the rights to do anything (live action, animated, movies, videos).. very interesting.. hope we see something out of this soon..

04-19-2002, 12:16 AM
why do i have this inpending sense of doom? :kawaii:

Dirk the Daring
04-19-2002, 09:37 AM
Anyone know of anything the have done so far? I mean, I know it has only been 6 or 7 months....

04-19-2002, 09:56 AM
The Kirby anime is coming to the U.S.

I hope they don't do anything silly and resort to live action. It would be good to see a new Zelda animated series but I hope they wouldn't screw it up. If they do Mario, it needs to be the quality of the SMBSS and SMB3 episodes. Super Mario World was not that good.

04-19-2002, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by Mak-X
If they do Mario, it needs to be the quality of the SMBSS

Take it from someone who ordered the DVD: It needs to be MUCH better :D haha..

SMBSS wasn't horrible, but the stories were too corney. They were almost always based on something.. fairy tales, movies, etc. which made a lot of them very lame. The DVD I have is all based on movies, which makes them some of the worst episodes (I don't want to even start w/ the first episode on there which is some robocop ripoff thing)

Anyways, I get the feeling we will see another Mario cartoon, perhaps after Mario Sunshine is released.. they'll prob. base it off that (what they usually do)..

04-19-2002, 02:11 PM
Super Mario World was worse. It was just...terrible compared to Super Mario Bros. 3 and seemed rushed. Where did Toad go? I realize they added Yoshi, but couldn't they have come up with a better story that included the Mushroom Kingdom instead of the cave people they made up? SMB3 was based a lot on the game with some stuff like going to the "real world" a few times. One of my favorite lines
Luigi:"But we're not babysitters-"
Mario:"Shh Luigi! That lasagna looks good!"

SMW and that Captain N season were terrible. It was like the budget was much lower. They also produced less episodes than SMB3. I've got all the SMW episodes on tape. SMB3 did a lot better job visuallizing the Mushroom Kingdom and Dark Land. heh Toad always had a house in every "land" and there was never a castle for Peach, who is Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom. The SMBSS episodes were a combination of SMB 1 and 2, and they just invented a lot of places for Mario and his friends to go to.

I have the SMBSS video with the magic lamp, which is based off of Aladin's Lamp. Yeah, I remember all the episodes being based off some movie or story. There was one episode where Robin Hood and Peach disguise themselves as a "Shy-Gal" and another where its like Star Wars. There was a episode that used the song "Great Balls of Fire". That's all I can remember right now. Wasn't there a episode where everything was pasta or something?

04-19-2002, 04:13 PM
They were almost always based on something.. fairy tales, movies, etc. which made a lot of them very lame. well there wasnt much to do in in the games and they didnt have a lot of original plot to go on. the show would of been too short if they followed the games exactly(wow. rescue the princess in at most, 3-5 episodes. isnt that exciting?:rolleyes: ) seriously though, i only have the camalot episode of the SMBSS. got it at a church for a quarter. it was in good condition despite the fact it didnt have it orginial box but at least the tape was ok. :kawaii:

04-19-2002, 04:25 PM
Yeah, SMW was bad, although I think some of the animation was better..

SMB3 was the best tho, you're right.. hehe.. I still want to see the one that had George Bush on it again :D haha.. I don't remember too much, except that it had George Bush in the Dark World.. just something funny bout that :D

I also liked the one where Bowser found a way to use all of Mario's powerups against him.. that was a cool idea ;)

well there wasnt much to do in in the games and they didnt have a lot of original plot to go on. the show would of been too short if they followed the games exactly(wow. rescue the princess in at most, 3-5 episodes. isnt that exciting? ) seriously though, i only have the camalot episode of the SMBSS. got it at a church for a quarter. it was in good condition despite the fact it didnt have it orginial box but at least the tape was ok.

I never said it had to follow the games. It IS possible to make GOOD plots that don't follow the games. The problem is, they DIDN'T! They plots always sucked.. they were almost all ripped off movies or fairy tales, which was lame. They needed much better writers..

04-19-2002, 04:49 PM
I never said it had to follow the games. It IS possible to make GOOD plots that don't follow the games. The problem is, they DIDN'T! They plots always sucked.. they were almost all ripped off movies or fairy tales, which was lame. They needed much better writers..

thats the power behind the american dollar back then. they paid writers to pull whaterver they could out of their asses and try to pass it of as a plot and give them a small sum of money. :kawaii:

04-19-2002, 07:20 PM
That's right, I haven't heard any of you say a thing about the Zelda cartoons, and it's a damn good thing that you haven't either...one slander of my favorite show, and I'd have to whoop soem ass :D

btw, I won a copy of Sing for the Unicorn on VHS from ebay about a week ago, sealed since it's release (it even had a coupon for Nestle Quik in it! A really old coupon). I couldn't wait to watch it :) Ah...I Iove the Zelda cartoon, if only there were more than 13 episodes.

04-20-2002, 02:17 AM
Originally posted by Mak-X
There was a episode that used the song "Great Balls of Fire". That's all I can remember right now. Wasn't there a episode where everything was pasta or something?

yeah, i have that one. it was a western one, where bowser takes peach, and keeps here ina pipe. lol, whoulda thought?