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View Full Version : The wonderfull world of nostalgia, Ahhhh...

04-18-2002, 09:49 AM
Once again (for the thrid time) my brother is getting into emulators, significant?#

Oh yes!

You see in my house, we have 2 Inet pc's, my dad's and my bro's. My dad's is on the home line and so no heavy downloading allowed. My bro's however is on a seperate line and so That free all of the time, the downside, My bro is using it all the time so I can hardly go on it. Now that he is mass downloading Genesis and snes roms, I can get in on some of the action - last time, when he got board, he deleted the games and I had no back ups, but now, they are going straight to a CD so I have permanent backups.

He's not reallyinto menu RPG's like FF but more in to platformers and beat em ups.

Any good games to recomend?

04-18-2002, 11:19 AM
The Double Dragon and FInal Fight series are great beat'm-up arcade style games. Can't go wrong with those classics! :D (btw, Double Dragon 2 is my fav)

04-19-2002, 01:54 PM
Hmm, it seems his 'moment of nostalgia' was actually just a moment, not many special roms, but 1.


That game rocks! Mayhem of explosions and fire!
Albeit I completed the game in about 3 and a half hours of playing it. It was fun, and I will definately play it again with a second player oif possible.

I have played double dragon, It was fun, I'll try to find DD2.

Final fight I have played on the console, It was okay, but I didn't like it that much...

04-20-2002, 09:26 AM
umm if he wants some good games i recomend illusion of gaia, and terranigma, there awesome and their real-time action so its not like rpg style combat, give them a shot, there awesome!

04-20-2002, 11:13 AM
Sure you've got you Final Fight, and your Double Dragon...

The best Snes Beat'em Up I've ever played is: Iron Commando(s)

Japanese game ;) It blows all others away.

04-20-2002, 01:46 PM
Mebe, I should start searching eh?

Yeah, I try n get em. Thanks!

04-20-2002, 02:09 PM
Yah, looking might be a really good idea ;)

just outta curiosity... what the heck are tonbarry's?? and also... speaking of nostalga, does anyone know how to use patch's in jediknight, without patch commander cuz it dont work on my computer... :(

04-20-2002, 10:53 PM
Get Gunstar Heros. The only thing you need to know when playing that game is in order to collect objects, you have to press down and some of the A, B or C buttons (I dummo exactly what combo, but experiment and you should find it)

Otherwise, it's THE game that beats Contra in it's own genre.

04-22-2002, 05:00 PM
Get Gunstar Heros. The only thing you need to know when playing that game is in order to collect objects, you have to press down and some of the A, B or C buttons (I dummo exactly what combo, but experiment and you should find it)

Otherwise, it's THE game that beats Contra in it's own genre.

Look up:laughing: