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04-17-2002, 03:35 PM
Does anyone else really like the story and plot develpoment of this game. I could play this over and over I allready have 4 of the 6 endings. Its my all time favorite game. I dont know why theres just something about it that makes me obssesed with it. I even got the kick ass soundtrack off of Ebay! I say anyone who hanst played it should go buy it NOW!!.

King Link
04-17-2002, 11:21 PM
I think the game looks really kind of creepy but the graphics are amazing. I haven't played SH2, but I think it looks great.

04-18-2002, 04:29 AM
I preferred the storyline of the first one better. And although it does look graphically fabtaculour, I just prefer the first game in general.

Not to mention the disappointment of thinking he was gonna get to have his way with that one chick in the bar (easy score), and discovering he was just a wussy. I mean his wife is dead (and/or demonized for some reason)... GET SOME DUDE!! But oh well...

04-18-2002, 06:38 AM

well in one of the 6 endings you leave with maria to start a new life with her. I shure hope he gets some. I like the first one but IMO the 2nd one is more fun to play.

04-18-2002, 06:59 AM
Well the second one deos cause more of a fear factor than the first. Some parts will have you scared out of you wits even.

Specifically... walking through one of the underground prison cell rooms and hearing what seems to be a Gigantic Beast huffing and puffing right next to you, but nothing is there...

And also in the underground prison courtyard where the hanging thing is. The room is completely empty but you hear things all over the place...

The second one relies more on sound effects than it does actual "enemies" which is another reason I liked the first one better. At times SH2 leaves you feeling like you're completely alone wandering the town, and that can get boring.

All in all SH2 has its ups and downs, I just feel the first one was the better of the two, having more characters to interact with and more "enemies" so it didn't have much of the "alone" feeling.

Leon S. Kennedy
04-18-2002, 08:14 AM
In the begining of the first one it was pretty cool but when you start to do that "world" switching thats what made it kinda bad. . . . . . . .

04-18-2002, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by PrfectGREG

well in one of the 6 endings you leave with maria to start a new life with her. I shure hope he gets some. I like the first one but IMO the 2nd one is more fun to play.

You have the wrong girl there. :tongue: Maria is the woman who works at the bar. James never leaves with her. You're thinking of the other one.

Do you like that other one though? I hate that girl. She got on my nerves because she was always a pain in the butt to James. And I'm still holding a grudge against her for stepping on my fingers. ;) Of course, in the hospital, that was James's fault. He was so stupid enought to listen to her.:rolleyes:

04-18-2002, 02:06 PM
You have the wrong girl there. Maria is the woman who works at the bar. James never leaves with her. You're thinking of the other one.

No your incorrect, I am 100% shure that in one of the endings he leaves with Maria, the bar slut. That ending is called "maria" ending

If you leave the town with the little girl (Laura) you get the ending called "leave" ending.

Then theres the "In water" ending "rebirth" and "DOG" ending

and the UFO ending wich is only on XBox.

04-18-2002, 03:08 PM
There is a Maria ending as Greg said you silly little Grasshopper ;)

He covered them all

04-18-2002, 03:12 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot about that ending. Thats the only one I haven't seen not counting the Dog ending. The UFO ending is cool. It plays out like one of those silent movies. :tongue:

I thought you were talking about the Leave ending because you said he "leaves" town. I've never seen the Maria ending, but I read something about it and I don't think you leave the town with her. It wouldn't make much sense in the story. You know what I mean? ;) Look at the instruction manual...I think that is the "Maria" ending. Not sure though.

04-18-2002, 03:33 PM
I wanted to play this game, so I went out and rented the first one to get a feel for the story and/or beat the game.

I really didn't like it all that much...gameplay wise. The city was too big and not enough stuff was going on...but then again, I didn't play a whole bunch. The beginning to that was really creepy. I might rent the game again and give it a second chance.

So is the Second game better?

04-19-2002, 06:53 AM
Sir Tony...

I am assuming that you wandered around the foggy town for hours trying to find were to go...

Once you get into the apartments the game really picks up. Try using FAQs if you need to because the overall story of the game is awesome. It gtes alot better a few hours into the game.