View Full Version : Starcraft Gaming Night anyone?

04-14-2002, 03:55 PM
Anyone interested in having another Starcraft Gaming Night (they're not tuorNamInts!!1) some time in the future?

I'm just asking if anyone is interested enough to warrent having one. If there's enough, in a few weeks I, or someone else, can start a new topic about a specific date.

Basically we'd all meet in Channel AGN on battle.net on a Friday or Saturday night at 8pm est and play Starcraft for a few hours. Anyone is welcome to come during those hours of the game night but you should be there promptly at the start time. To keep the games good and running

-No mucho Money$$$$ maps. They ruin the game and take forever to play
-No maps bigger than 164x164. 256x256 is way to big to play and would take forever.
-One person would create the game and there would be no arguments over who gets to create. This wastes time and no one gets to play.
-We would preferably play Starcraft: Broodwar, the expansion. I assume that anyone who replies to this topic will have the Broodwar Expansion. Please specify if you do not if you reply.

Anyone interested in having one in a few weeks? Just reply.

04-14-2002, 03:57 PM
I am, but you should get the Warcraft III beta, it's much more fun than Starcraft. I'll hook you up if you need it.

04-14-2002, 04:01 PM
Oooh! Oooh! I want to play Brood War! I loooove Brood War! I should be available most any day. Just set a date and I'll try to be there :D

And I really don't wanna play Warcraft III until the full version comes out.

04-14-2002, 04:07 PM
yeah i've got brood war, but i've never sucessfully got my pc working games on the internet yet- especially the command and conquer series

04-14-2002, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Breaker
I am, but you should get the Warcraft III beta, it's much more fun than Starcraft. I'll hook you up if you need it.

Heh I wish but my computer can't handle it.

04-14-2002, 04:57 PM
Well I'm up for some starcraft just name a date and ill try to get there. my bnet sn is Fear-The_Cow