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The Silent Assassin
04-13-2002, 11:04 PM
For many of you, AGN is...a way of life. Half of us depend on it. Half of you don't. Some of you are so addicted...you'd fight everything that stood in your way to keep posting...

This is my 5th Forum/Club to be a part of. I was a prominent member in each, and I spent a good amount of time in each, no less than year. Some were bigger than AGN, some a great deal smaller.

Yet, they all followed the same pattern. They all perished to self destruction. Hopefully, somehow AGN can avoid this...but with recent events...I believe it has set in motion the path that will probably end AGN, or change it in a drastic way, forever.

You see, the first forum I joined was Nintendo's forums. It wasn't as nice as AGN, but it was structured. You'd go around and post about each game, and the NOAs would mod the place. Well, there weren't any...leaders...cuz the NOAs were the heads, but a certain "group" did become the ruling bunch. Everything went great for about a year. Then some newbies came and challened the "group". The asked why should they run things, that they weren't the true leaders.

Though they had a point, they just wanted to cause trouble. It worked. Everyone started to fight. Loyal people would question there "faith" in the forums. The "group" would use slandering to persuade people. In the end, the forums were shut down by NOA because it got too out of hand.

Well, there was once. But I joined another group then. A StarFox group called the CEF


We were a bunch of peeps who liked StarFox. We got together, made a web page and had a hosted forum. We had a leader, and even "ranks" for the most "hard working" members. Well, again...everything went well. Then...people just get tired of the same thing, the complain. The heads argue back. It's nothing at first, but then it builds up. Finally, we had people mud slinging, everyone was questioning everybody. The club became a wreck, and the owner, Frankenroc, decided to move on and shut the place down.

Then, a bunch of us who took one side in the argument formed a private Yahoo club.


We thought by only being private by invite only, it would work. Well, it seemed the two creators of the club (very similar to the friendship Goatboy and WL had) got into arguments, and then split. There was a member just like Moocow (and in the same situation) with the head of the board...heh, it was freaky noticing the similarities, but anyway...

Of our 40 members, almost all have an identical twin I've seen here at AGN in terms of attitude. Well, to the point...something like "this" happend. The head guy didn't show up a lot. People would quesiton him, thoughts of "rebellion" came up, and then people would execute verbal attacks on the head guy. Bans would be issued, and people would be pissed. Well, the club ended in flames, as the leader "deleted" it from the server...

Then we go to ZHQ. Conrad was heading it at the time. He had good motivations and intentions. Didn't get muchd one...and well...ZHQ suffered and peope started to bitch. Anyway, in strolled Niels...who ZHQ was built on by all the staff, not just him "Rod Jones did all Zelda 3 area, and this girl named JADE did the Zelda 5, and Chibi did letters, and so on and so on". Niels decides we aren't worthy enough...we've lost "sight" of the true meaning of Zelda.


Anyone here think I "don't" know the meaning of Zelda? I mean, I have NO CLUE what Zelda is about, nor why it should be appreciated? No, I'm another clue less fan boy who just talks a lot but doesn't know jack about Zelda.

Well...by the tone of my passage, I wrote a nice "goodbye" letter to niels, telling him he was shit, ZHQ would die, and he was a disgrace to Zelda. He said I was wrong, and he'd have the last laugh. Look who's laughing now (ZHQ never went anywhere under his 2nd reign, and died).

In case you do see the point, it's that clubs run their course and end. When it is just for fun, but you get too serious and there isn't enough motivation to keep it going cuz it is just a hobby, everything falls apart. I'm not saying AGN will, or anytime soon. But you have to face reality, guys. AGN won't last forever.

And with that, I'll conclude with...

"All good things must end."

DsS Game
04-13-2002, 11:08 PM
I go to alot of boards and i feel that same way you do.

Whether it be TZ, Shinra Online, Shoryuken,etc., it will start dying once there are topics that are gonna start getting old, then new ones arent interesting.

Sometimes thats like that IRL.

In the X we trust

04-13-2002, 11:25 PM
This and the Fight Club is the only 2 web boards I goto. Fight Club is technically part of AGN so it's really just one place I goto. This place isn't my life though, I spend 3 hours max. here. For some people, this is their life but the people who think like that are cool people who don't look for trouble most of the time. So hopefully, AGN will still be here for the next few years. IF this place ever goes, someone will definitely make another web board for the AGN users. This place is cool and all of the fighting recently is getting stupid which is making this place dull (that's why Geru is taking a break from here.) People just can't have fun anymore...sigh...

King Link
04-13-2002, 11:47 PM
Makes sense.

After all, we all came here to post and enjoy our time. I myself know it won't last forever, and I don't expect anything to last forever. I also have other things to do and I know they must come to an end too.

04-14-2002, 01:07 AM
The real difference between AGN and those other forums is that AGN has something more real on it--it's not just a clique where people talk about Zelda games, or gaming in general--and if it were it would be doomed. IMO it's ZC and (to a lesser extent) OZ that keep people here--there are new quests to play all the time, new features to work with in Zquest, new entities to work with in OZ...as long as there is innovation I expect these storms will blow over--because while there are cliques here--as everywhere in life--there's more here--the fun of making your own game and playing games made by people you know.

There's no 1.92 for Starfox, there will be for ZC. We will all revel in the great quests to come, for years to come.

04-14-2002, 01:15 AM
I too have had troubles in the past with "communities". In my case it was Starcraft clans. A clan is a group of people that make up a team for the game they play. They get together in meetings and play the game together to get better and have fun. I created a clan called "Clan Metroid". I don't know how it kept growing except by the people that joined for whatever reason and got others to join. One person in particular really "lead" the clan and I was really no leader. I had no business running a clan at my age of about 16. I had started right after I got a computer, internet acess, and started playing Starcraft. I only had a certain amount of time on the internet since we only had one telephone line (still do) and my parents wouldn't let me stay on forever. Basically, I was never around and the clan fell apart. I really had no business running a clan in the first place. What important role I played, I'll never know because it was the group and a certain person that made the clan what it was.
This clan was "rebuilt" a few times with the same group and usually encountered the same problems. The problem with communities is that people can't get along. When I returned to the group, the one guy, Lithos, who had been running it asked if I wanted to lead again and I said "yes". He said he didn't want the job and was lazy but I hope it wasn't more than that...Upon becoming the new leader of the clan some individual(s) were outraged at me like I was forcing Lithos away which wasn't the truth. For whatever reason, when I asked in a news post for everyone to come practice for a Clan vs. Clan tournament one night, he took it as a forceful dictator ship that everyone must come. We talked on AIM and he ended up straight out telling me I'm a "bitch". (He later talked with me months after and everything was OK). But the thing is its just hard for people to work together and get along and some people take things the wrong way.

Wholly Crap! Why didn't anyone tell me my custom title was spelled wrong all this time!! GRR!!! "legAndary"

04-14-2002, 10:31 AM
I mostly visit this board, and the RM2K World board. The RM2K community's pretty much been in shambles since the beginning. People getting banned for stupid reasons, websites "mysteriously disappearing", and in-fighting between the moderators and administrators...it all makes me wonder why I stay there at all. (I'm not authorized to disclose the names of any moderators or administrators, because I don't see too many RM2K users here, and the lot of you probably don't know what the heck I'm talking about).

*becomes hypocritical, and kisses his 7000+ post count at RM2K World...he has officially reached "oldbie" status*

04-14-2002, 10:43 AM
I don't want AGN to end! Then I'd have to get a life. I am all for WL getting money from ZC to keep it going. Anyway, I don't think AGN is doomed, but that doesn't mean we should let it go to the dogs.

DsS Game
04-14-2002, 10:54 AM
Bleh like the saying goes.

All things must come to an end. I have a feeling TZ is gonna fall with the stupidity that the newbs bring with an exception to a few.

04-14-2002, 11:26 AM
I'll give it a year or so before a severe Soviet-style collapse

04-14-2002, 12:06 PM
There's Toolir for ya, always the optimist.
Heyguys, just listen to What Comes, comes, what happens happens. (http://geocities.com/dechipher2001/ooh3.mid)

04-14-2002, 12:21 PM
As always, history repeats itself, no matter how hard you try to cling to AGN, it will eventually fall...holy crap, I remember when 1.90 was the big thing, then came out the betas for 1.92 and stuff, my AGN life used to be ZeldaClassic...now its mainly MPQ...but thats a different story.

04-14-2002, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Dechipher
There's Toolir for ya, always the optimist.
Heyguys, just listen to What Comes, comes, what happens happens. (http://geocities.com/dechipher2001/ooh3.mid)

Nice error page :shrug: :thumbsup: