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View Full Version : State of the Nations...er, forums

Executioner of Deities
04-13-2002, 10:40 PM
It seems like you guys tend to treat it like a damned nation sometimes. Its not that fucking serious, some of you need to lighten your assholes, live with what you got, and quit trying to bitch at everything that you disagree with. I gotta say im tired of seeing this bullshit on these forums, and every single one of you bastards know what im talking about. The constant flaming of the staff, WL in particular. Blame the management i see, and everything was fine a day or so ago. Then someone said, "Hey! Warlords making cash off of ZC! WTF?! I WANT SOME OF THAT SHIT!" and everybody started flaming the shit outta warlord and pointing out all the minor troubles of the board. Look, we still have that convention thing to plan, more than half of you have websites that need to be tended to (ZG, AZC, and The Tileshop, are just a couple examples, and for christ sake somebody at least touch midishop) and the boards should be the least of your worries. Since when was AGN a place to come to bitch? I thought it was a place to wind down, to hang out, to have some fucking fun. Jesus dude, the problems of the board and its management are insignificant and they've never caused us any harm or inconvience of any sort. So ignore them, turn the other way, dont pay any attention. It doesnt matter anyway. If you try, you wont be able to fix it. So why try? Im so sick of this shit, im about to quote one of those dudes out of the great movie, Half Baked:

"Screw you, screw you, screw you, your cool, screw you, Im out!"

But i aint said it yet. I really dont want to, but i dont wanna put up with this shit either. So im in a spot of oddness. If you listen, i wont leave. But i gotta get if this shit keeps goin on. I cant stand it, its so stupid. Just stop...thats all i gotta say.

Glenn the Great
04-13-2002, 10:45 PM
Originally posted by Executioner of Deities
....and every single one of you bastards know what im talking about.

Would you please tell me what you know about flaming and its consequences?

Executioner of Deities
04-13-2002, 10:50 PM
what do i know about flaming.....yeh, heres a damned good one, keep it in your bookmarks

Fuck you Warlord, fuck you GtG, fuck you TSA(you helped me lie to myself), Your cool krath(and Mottz, and Nightmare, and Kariqual, and mooy's cool too), im out! BAN MY ASS BITCH, I DONT EVEN WANNA BE HERE ANYMORE! YOU ALL CAN SUCK MY DICK, CUZ YOU JUST DONT EVEN CARE ANYFUCKINMORE, YOU JUST WANNA START SHIT! WRONG DAY MAN, WRONG FUCKIN DAY!! its been bad enough already....

04-13-2002, 10:55 PM
Are all these "spawned" threads really necessary ? Go post in the existing ones, you're cluttering the board with this crap.

Nice knowing ya ;)

04-13-2002, 10:57 PM
----topic closed....admins?-----