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View Full Version : do you care?

Earth To Austin
04-13-2002, 08:18 PM
like in general?
throughout life i can hontestly say that i've been a concerned, caring individual who always tried to make sure people don't feel ignored, because that's a pretty bad feeling...

now, reflecting on that... i probably made the wrong choice, for the most part people do not return your care..... at all, usually it's just me doing things for people and getting jack diddly in return

well, today I am announcing the advent of the "fuck off and die attitude"

yay, liberation at last

Earth To Austin
04-13-2002, 09:10 PM
do you care?

haha, apparently not :(

04-13-2002, 09:14 PM
watch the double posting. you know better.

04-13-2002, 09:17 PM
Whatever you're feeling right now, I'm sorry, but don't go intentionally double posting unless you're seriously looking for trouble. And from whats transpired today, I'd ask that you don't go looking for trouble.

I don't exactly know how I treat people online in regards to consideration(I can be an ass, and then I can be helpful and sparing)

In real life though I tend to be considerate to people since its the best way to avoid conflict and to just be left alone. In this then, I don't really want anything out of being considerate and helpful.

Earth To Austin
04-13-2002, 09:23 PM
bleh, but when you are considerate...... you expect to receive something similar to that in return, not nothing

blah, too much frustration is existant in this life... i'm moving to mexico, i'll live like a king, KING I SAY!

DsS Game
04-13-2002, 10:33 PM
IRL i do care the same online with alot of my friends I.E. foxygrl, DP, etc.

But to others i dont know and act like complete jack asses i do no care for.