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04-13-2002, 02:34 AM
I was bored today, so I messed around in Linux with some hard to configure virtual machine thing. Here's the result(possible scrollbar alert):

Now doesn't that look odd. It has to be the strangest thing I have ever done on my computer. you can see AGN in the background, Windows in a window, and the command prompt(you can see my wallpaper through it, AlexMax made that wallpaper). And the windows in a window even blue screened on me once! Only problem is Zelda Classic doesn't work in the VM.

And to make this topic worthwhile, whats the oddest thing you've ever done with your computer?

Drunken Tiger
04-13-2002, 03:02 AM
I took my computer apart and attempted to put it back together again!!:laughing:

Stupid, really!! Now i have these "spare" screws!!

04-13-2002, 03:10 AM
Originally posted by DrUnKeN TiGeR

Stupid, really!! Now i have these "spare" screws!!

Well I've done that, but I knew what I was doing; did it work when you put it back together? Those screws are probably useless, they always put a few too many in computers.

*then your hard-drive falls off and explodes*

Drunken Tiger
04-13-2002, 03:16 AM
Yes of course it works!!!

But it sometimes just shortcircuits and turns off itself!!:shrug:

I wonder what could be the problem..:laughing:

I need to get a new computer!!

*sniff* i smell sonething burning.. OH SHIT!! computer blows up!!

04-13-2002, 03:29 AM
Doesn't it suck when that happens? NO LAPPY STOP MAKING THAT FIZZING SOUND!! KABOOM!

04-13-2002, 07:00 AM
Ooooh! This is so not funny.
Trying to up grade, buying not a package but parts enough to put two functioning PC togather from three, I'v reformatted C drive on one of them three times, and I'v had no sleep for 30hrs (about).
The thing is base OS and parts all around me but you see me typing don't ya. Damm machine woun't get the best of me by gawd.
Good thing I don't own a gun though.

The oddest thing I'v done with a PC...humm:odd:
I guess dragging the screen and keyboard into a closet to get away from the noise one time. Mouse would not reach and had to figure out the keyboard controles by the light of the screen.
It was a game so relly was not that hard.

04-13-2002, 07:11 AM
Originally posted by DrUnKeN TiGeR
*sniff* i smell sonething burning.. OH SHIT!! computer blows up!!

Than how did you posted that??? :odd:

Drunken Tiger
04-13-2002, 08:40 AM
I can see into the future!!!DUH!!!

It was a joke...;):lol::D

04-13-2002, 10:29 AM
i took off the outer case and spray painted it red (not my computer, my friend's old one.)

04-13-2002, 11:54 AM
my dad takes apart computers just for fun, so one day he decided to do so on mine( a windows 3.1 slug). all went fine till sparks flew, followed by flames. i was pretty small at the time so seeing my dad just stare at it in calm frustration, i didnt think much of it. I asked if we should douse it with water, he just answered"naw...that'll screw up the PC"

DsS Game
04-13-2002, 12:08 PM
Heh i have Lite Step in here so everything i do is weird.

04-13-2002, 05:12 PM
Right before I made the switch to Linux, I took my Zip Disk with all my personal files and renamed them so that there were no spaces in the file names (even though Linux can read spaces, they're a pain. underscores are better). And of course, I had to do it all manually cause Windows sucks that way. Any who, I was pretty bored that night.

I also think it's weird (and cool) that I can run XNest and use localhost as the domain to login in to my own account, while I'm already logged in to my own account in X. Very weird, but neat.

04-13-2002, 05:38 PM
On one computer I had, I started with a pre-built computer, then over the course of time, ended up replacing pretty much everything but the floppy drive.

- Motherboard? Replaced.
- CPU? Replaced.
- Hard Drive? - Replaced.
- CD-ROM Drive? - Replaced.
- Video Card? - Replaced.
- Sound Card? - Replaced.
- Memory? - Replaced.
- Case and Power Supply? - Replaced.
- Monitor? - Replaced.
- Keyboard? - Replaced.
- Mouse? - Replaced.
- Floppy Drive? - Original, not replaced.

Kind of like the repair plan I heard for cars once. "Keep the cap to the gas tank, and screw a new car in under it." Except that this was over a goodly length of time.