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View Full Version : Does anyone ever play games online?

Dark Dude
04-12-2002, 11:42 PM
'Cause I'd like to play some classic 2P NES games with someone. FCE Ultra offers online play, in case anyone's curious.

Dark Templar
04-13-2002, 12:34 AM
I havn't played anything online in forever.. Looks like I'm goin to have to bust out some StarCraft some time to get good again so we can have a tourney like the olden days.

04-13-2002, 12:49 AM
Yeah, I play Motor City Online...fun game...

I'll play some 2P NES with you, just IM me so we can set it up.


04-13-2002, 12:52 AM
ya sure just im on aim at slayer6896 ok
p.s. if slayer6896 aint on try lucifer6896

04-13-2002, 01:01 AM
I do, sorta. I play this one game that a real life friend of mine told me about, called Runescape (http://www.runescape.com) , and I've gotten a bit addicted to it. It's for free, but there's also a membership for it that adds more world to the world, and other things you can do. I used to play Utopia Online, but I got bored of it because I didn't know anyone, so I kinda felt abandoned. I play UT multiplayer online once in a great while (it's so slow. DAMN 56k to hell!:mad: ) I've tried to play Black and White online, but the official site is down, or something, and I really don't feel like playing it online right now anyway.

04-13-2002, 10:24 AM
sure ill play aim name is sephiroth1ag.

King Link
04-13-2002, 10:35 AM
I usually play Black and White and AoE online. If anyone wants to play those or Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2, lemme know.

04-13-2002, 12:34 PM
I can play Counterstrike and Team Fortress Classic against you, but only on Friday nights.

04-13-2002, 01:17 PM
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 is my online game. Infact I am going to play now. Mwa ha ha...see you there if anyone has it..

04-13-2002, 01:40 PM
I was sitting in class a couple of days ago and thought about having another Starcraft game night too. It'd have to be early on Saturdays for me because I watch Adult Swim Action at 11pm (don't think we ever played that late though), so maybe on a Friday or Saturday starting at 7 or 8pm est. We could set a time of about 2-3 hours and call it a "game night" and just have people come to channel "agn" promptly at 8:00pm to start a first game, and if anyone wants to keep playing after that we start another game and officially call it quits at 10-11pm (no one would have to stay that long, just have a open invite of playing during that time). Maybe in a couple of weeks we could make a topic seeing how many people are interested before actually setting up a date. There would be rules though to keep it organized like no much $ money maps like BGH, no maps higher than 196x196, and make it clear who is creating the game (this burns a lot of time when people keep creating games).

04-13-2002, 05:28 PM
i wish i had enough mem on pc to have online games like starcraft on it. :cry: and i dont have the money to upgrade it with! baka future step-dad! why did he have to give me a pc with no sound card, and only a 0.98 gig memory? why?! i cant even have all my roms on here and i have to keep the mem above 125 mb or so or the whole thing just keeps giving me not enough memory messages! :cry: WHY NUST I BE TORTURED BY ON-LINE GAMING?! :cry: :kawaii:

04-13-2002, 05:45 PM
I usually only use zbattle.net for my online experiences. And even then I usually play either Secret of Mana (Which is absolutely awesome multiplayer :D ) or DBZ Hyper Dimension. THere isn't much else I like to play 2p

04-13-2002, 06:40 PM
Hmm, the 2player NES games I'd play online are

Ice Climber

Can't think of any others that are worth while 2player games for the NES. Contra and Lifeforce are some of my favorites and I have them for my NES.

04-13-2002, 06:54 PM
I have played many NES games and SNES games online with my friends.


04-13-2002, 08:07 PM
dark dude what games would u want to play neways?

04-13-2002, 09:29 PM
i havent used the online features of my emus before. i havent really tried it before because i dont know anyone who would play some of the multi games i play. :kawaii: anyway, im only capable of so little since i havent done it before. :kawaii:

04-14-2002, 05:54 AM
I used to play Diablo II on battle.net (European server) Now that was fun hack&slash, but it got boring after a while, just because that's all there is to it. I've also played the Wheel of Time mud, which is a textbased game. Er.. I don't really feel like playing NES games online, even if I had the time to do so.