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View Full Version : i need help with csets and palette's=/

04-12-2002, 06:20 PM
ok i need help with this=/
i got the inporting tiles down.
well i got the tiles off a snes game with zsnes.
and now i tryed to get the palettes for the my overworld.
and it just won't work for me=[[
everytime i try to grab off a bmp it won't work.
but i can grab off of a pcx file.
so i try to put the palettes for number 0 in.
and the pics stell look bad=/
i need help please.maybe i don't understand it right.

i read the everything i could befor i posted so please help=/


Importing the Color (CSet)
Before you get to importing the tiles, you'll usually have to get colors to match the tiles. You can do one of two things in this case:

1. Recolor the tiles after importing them (in which case you would skip this section)
2. Import the palette for the tiles.

So on to a few things you've got to know about the palettes in ZQuest and how everything's set up. The very first thing to know it that ZQuest organizes its colors first into CSets of 16 colors each. These CSets are then organized into 16 color palettes. If you have any questions about something I've said in this section, remember the difference between them (I've noticed some confusion in help topics between a palette and a CSet). The CSets are organized into rows, with 16 of them on each palette. As for the palettes themselves, there are three different types: Main, Level, and Sprite. I'll cover each one individually.

Main Pallette
The main palette is probably the most interesting one to go over. All the CSets on it have different purposes. So lets go over each one:

0, 1, and 5 - These three CSets are some of the most important for your tiles and for the colors in the game. No matter what palette your DMap uses, these three CSets are always included for placing tiles. So you could have a few different overworld palettes, and each one would use these three CSets. Also, most of the Misc. Colors that you can set through Quest->Misc->Misc Colors (for such things as subscreen colors, etc.) use these CSets by default.
2, 3, and 4 - These three CSets are actually (on the Main palette) the same as 2, 3, and 4 on Level palette 0. They're used for the default palette's tile placement.
6 - This CSet is used for Link (or whichever main character you are using) when he does NOT have either the blue or red rings. Also, the Pols Voice always uses the same CSet as Link is using for some reason. Therefore a Pols voice is always colored based on which Ring Link has.
7, 8, 9 - These CSets are used for the enemies. You can go here to see a listing of all the enemies and which CSets they use (Note: Some bosses have ESP and a number for their CSet, I'll get to those in a moment).
10 + 11 - I'm not 100% clear on the details, but I believe that these two CSets can be used for some items you have that you can't recolor into one of the other CSets.
12 + 13 - You should probably ignore these for now, unless you know how to make your tiles use them.
14 - I say ignore this one as well, I think it's used as a temporary CSet where the CSet of whichever boss is on the screen gets loaded into (which is why you usually can't have more than one boss on a screen).
15 - Don't even bother asking me what this does. I'm fairly sure it's used for the ZQuest colors (menus, etc.).
Level Pallettes
Level palettes are much easier, I'd say. Just a few things to know about them.
These are the actual palettes that are used for the map. Everything not specified below is filled in from the Main palette (or you could think of it the other way around, with these four CSets replacing their four counterparts in the Main palette). Anyways, in each Level palette, there are four CSets: 2, 3, 4, and 9. Each of these has the same function as the same 2, 3, 4, and 9 listed above (9 is black and level color enemies). They're just made so that you can switch them from Level palette to Level palette. A few things about which Level palette is which:

0 - The overworld, should be self-explanatory.
1-9 - The dungeons, these should also be self-explanatory.
A - Palette used in caves. This palette is automatically used for the caves you have on the overworld (screen 80 and 81).
B - Palette used in passageways. This palette is automatically used for the item rooms and passage warps in dungeons (also screen 80 and 81, but for dungeon maps).
C-E - Extra palettes you can use.
Extra Pallettes
This one is rather simple. It's mostly just what it says it is, extra CSets for sprites which are substituted into CSets on the Main palette. Note that there are two buttons for two separate palettes when you select Quest->Palettes->Sprites. Only the first one is used by ZQuest (the other ESP is mostly just there to take up space ;) ). Here's what ESP 1 CSets are currently used for:

0 - Aquamentus CSet
1 - Gleeok CSet
2 - Digdogger CSet
3 - Gannon (when hit)
4 - Gannon (when stunned)
5 - This one's rather odd... It's GANNON'S ASHES.
6 - Link's CSet after he obtains the blue ring.
7 - Link's CSet after he obtains the red ring.
8-10 - Csets used for the Game icons, based on which ring Link has (only does anything if there is a Game Icon speicified).
Last Notes
And if you've read all of this, you should now fancy yourself at least well versed with ZC palettes (assuming you're still following). Now on to importing the tiles.

The first thing you should know about actually importing the tiles is that generally, they must be in a 16-color .bmp or .gif file. Most of the files on the Tileshop are like this (unless the creator of the tiles set up the rows of 16 color for a 256 color .bmp/.gif, in which case I left it alone). It is possible to have a 256-color .bmp/.gif work, but only if you know how to arrange the rows of colors (each row in the palette is grabbed as a 16-color CSet).

As for grabbing/importing, that much is easy. The first thing to do is figure out how you'll be using your tiles. Will they be overworld (Main palette/Level palette 0)? Will they be dungeon-esque (Level palettes 1-9)? Will they be caves (Level palette A)? Will they be the underground, sidescroll part of a dungeon (Level palette B)? Will they be something else? (Level palettes C-E)? Once you figure out which palette you'll use, you gotta figure out the CSet. Generally, if you're doing a whole dungeon set, it's best to use CSet 2 of the level palette, as this is the CSet that doors use by default anyways. Other than that, you can usually figure out where you want your stuff to go.

Once you've decided on which CSet you'll use, you just have to import the palette from the .bmp (I say palette in reference to the image's palette which should only have 16 colors). Select the CSet to have the new colors, and click the Grab button. Select the image file you wish to import the palette from. Click okay, and you're done (unless it's a 256-color image, in which case you have to pick which row you want to import of the image's palette).

Well, that's about it for importing the palette itself to be used for the image. As soon as I can, I'll get a guide on importing the tiles themselves together.

Questions, comments, concerns, angry hate mail? Send it all to
[email protected].

Chris Miller
04-12-2002, 06:25 PM
I don't think it's possible to grab palettes from zsnes, but I haven't really ripped snes games much, either. Does anyone know if that's possible?

04-12-2002, 11:50 PM
i guess i just do it the hard way:cry:

and recolor them:eek:

thx anyway:highfive:

04-13-2002, 01:02 AM
Originally posted by callitaday
I don't think it's possible to grab palettes from zsnes, but I haven't really ripped snes games much, either. Does anyone know if that's possible?

I know you can get the hex values for the palettes in ZSNES games, but ripping palettes, I'm not so sure. What you can do in ZC is load an image(256 color) and extract palettes from it. However this can be an exceedingly difficult means of extracting palettes for SNES tiles.

04-13-2002, 07:02 AM
Sure you can :) read all about it here:

PS: just to answer you question quickly: u can get the pallete from a screenshot if you have the video mode set as an 8bit mode, like this one: 640x480x8B VESA2, or you can get the pallete out of any savestate file using Romvies, more about that in the above mentioned link. (and you probably already know about this but there's some more stuff about csets and palletes stuck at the top of this forum)

04-13-2002, 07:54 AM
thx for the help, maybe i'll try Romvies.

and i seen the frozen post=]

and i all ready read everything.
at csets and palletes on your site.

i even post it in my first post.lol

but on your site i think it said to use 16bit mode:think:

and you just said 8bit i'll try that:D

maybe that will work :shrug:

thanks for all the help;]

im sorry to keep buging you all, i hate being a :newbie: lol

04-14-2002, 07:42 AM
are u sure? I don't think I ever said to use 16 bit mode, it's evil! :) always use 8 bit mode (16 bit mode makes the game look a bit better but you can't rip when using 16 bit mode at all)

04-14-2002, 05:59 PM
your right.lol

you said 8bit.

but i was sure it was 16=/
what can i say im a dumb-e.lol

but thx i'll try 8bit;]

and see if it works.

can i ask you something about Gannon?

in you faq you say Gannon.

use c-set 3 - Gannon (when hit)

use c-set 4 - Gannon (when stunned)

but what does Gannon use most of the time????
i'm redrawing him,and i don't want my boss to look messed up.lol

04-14-2002, 07:19 PM
He uses Cset 3 the most. But when battling him, he's invisible most of the fight, until you manage to stab him, at which point he'll show up using Cset 3(in extra spirtes palettes 1). Hitting him again will make him show up with Cset 3, then hitting him a third time will make him show up in Cset 4. Afterwards, the cycle continues.

04-14-2002, 09:10 PM
He uses Cset 3 the most. But when battling him, he's invisible most of the fight, until you manage to stab him, at which point he'll show up using Cset 3(in extra spirtes palettes 1). Hitting him again will make him show up with Cset 3, then hitting him a third time will make him show up in Cset 4. Afterwards, the cycle continues.

in all zeldaclassic quests????
he was'nt invisible in zelda far as i rember.=/
is they a way to make him not invisible?
but visible????

04-15-2002, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by LORD OF SAIYANZ

in all zeldaclassic quests????
he was'nt invisible in zelda far as i rember.=/
is they a way to make him not invisible?
but visible????

Yes, thats how Ganon is in the Legend of Zelda. And that is how his behavior is coded in Zelda Classic. This is how fighting goes on between you and Ganon in the original Legend of Zelda(for which ZC is designed to clone). First you enter the room, which then darkens, followed by Link lifting the completed Triforce over his head. This lights up the room and reveals Ganon's true form(Ganon will be using Cset 3). Then Ganon turns invisible and moves about the room shooting fireballs from random locations(while invisible). Link will attempt to attack Ganon by stabbing at areas where a fireball was launched from.
When link manages to hit Ganon, Ganon will appear for a brief second. Unless link has hit Ganon for the third or sixth or 9th time, Ganon will appear briefly, using Cset 3. When link hits Ganon for the third time, Ganon appears using Cset 4. This is when Link is supposed to fire the Silver Arrow that will strike Ganon down for good.

04-15-2002, 05:44 AM
i guess its been a long time.lol

i was a kid when i frist played zelda.lol
oh well=/ this will havee to do then

thx man;]