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View Full Version : Enemies

04-10-2002, 07:04 PM
Okay, in 1.90, no matter HOW cramped the screen walking space got, the game always forced the number of enemies for that screen to appear somewhere on that screen. Regardless if they appeared on top of each other. Now, with these new betas. If it can't find enough room to place those enemies, it simply doesn't have them appear at all. Which pisses me off. And I'd rather NOT set all the enemy flags for every screen for all the maps in all my quests. (when I update them, that is.) Its just annoying. Can you fix this and make it back like how it was and make the enemy placement flags OPTIONAL rather than a requirement, as it is now.

04-10-2002, 07:27 PM
I've had problems with enemies not appearing since 1.84. It has always happened when there wasn't much walkable space.

04-10-2002, 08:44 PM
really? Because 1.90 doesn't do that. And as proof. there is a screen, just 2 up from the start in level 8 of my remake. Play it in 1.90. Then in one of the latest betas. Tell me that there are no enemies that appear in the later beta versions. But they DO appear in 1.90. WHY?!?!

04-10-2002, 08:51 PM
I had it happen before in 1.90 in my BS Zelda Remake quest on one screen. Maybe it just happened less in 1.90. I've only had it happen to me a couple of times, I can think of only 2 times I had it happen. It could be a random bug or something.

04-10-2002, 08:56 PM
I've had it happen once, in a dungeon room that was mostly water...I was using flyers, so I didn't think that would matter. Oh, and the enemy placement flags are already optional, not required. I only use them when I have a reason for it.

04-10-2002, 09:00 PM
You could just use the enemy flags on the screens where the enemies don't appear. I had one screen that the enemies wouldn't appear and after I added enemy flags to that screen they always appeared.

04-10-2002, 09:17 PM
I had it happen all the time in 1.90.. it has done that forever..

04-10-2002, 09:35 PM
The locations of the enemy spawn points change depending on what direction you enter the room from (presumably, to keep enemies from appearing on top on you :D). So if enemies don't appear, there's a good chance that you've covered up all the spawn points with solid blocks.

This also explains why enemies sometimes appear when you enter the room from one direction, but don't appear when you enter from a different direction...

04-10-2002, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Hypercrash
This also explains why enemies sometimes appear when you enter the room from one direction, but don't appear when you enter from a different direction...

I've noticed that quite a few times.

04-10-2002, 11:31 PM
regardless, it needs to get fixed. And 1.90? all the time? not really. I haven't encountered it once in 1.90. That's why I immediately noticed it in later betas. Because it was something I never saw happen before.

Dark Nation
04-11-2002, 09:01 AM
Can someone send me a quest file that exhibits this problem so I can troubleshoot it? [email protected]

04-11-2002, 10:47 AM
There is one simple solution: use very few enemies, and leave spawning points for them.

What I find funny is how an enemy might sometimes appear in an enclosed block structure. :laughing:

And I now have a group quest overworld screen that has enemy placement flags on it, because of the way Cloral redesigned that screen (he got rid of my burnable tree flag in the process, which I had to restore in some way; thankfully, I was able to add a ladder to the rock :) ). While this is slightly off topic, those enemy placement flags are useful when you can't get things working right in any other way.

But now, DN, would an enemy placement flag NOT activate if Link is too close to a flag when the enemies try to spawn? If so, that COULD be a dilemma; however, I have had no problems as of yet, as I also use these flags in a dungeon and have the enemies well away from any doors...especially the one that requires a Boomerang to kill. :D


04-11-2002, 10:47 AM
you actually have one DN, my 1st quest remake. Play it on 1.90 and skip to level 9. (you already know the password to the quest, so make your own level 4 cheat) then go two rooms up from the start. There should be several bubbles zols and gels. They will appear in 1.90.
Now play the same room in a new beta. Only the bubbles appear. The zols and gels are nowhere to be found.
There is also a similar screen on the far right of the overworld on the 'beach' side with some octoroks and a small walking space and ladder on the beach. Only like 2 of the 5 octoroks appear in any of the latest betas, but in 1.90, they all appear.
And then there are countless other screens where enemies that would have appeared in 1.90 don't now because of limited walking space.